[Rhodes22-list] Subject Line Change

Bill Effros rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 09:42:25 -0400


Michael just posted the charter.

When new people join the list they have to figure out the rules.  People who
have been on the list for a while get tired of repeating the same stuff over
and over.  The charter is one attempt to explain how the list works.

It is too long, and few people read it all the way through, but at least it
tries to lay down some ground rules.

In addition to the charter, I think we should develop some shorter
"boiler-plate" language that is posted to the list from time to time:

"Welcome to the Rhodes22-List"
"Change the Subject Line"
"Rummy's List"
"The Charter"

Ideally, these would show up at regular intervals or every time someone new
joined the list.  People who have been on the list will know these messages
contain no new information and can be instantly deleted without reading.

But if we are going to do this, first someone has to write them.  What is
written can be taken from the writing of others; it can be "cribbed".

If you will work on the "Subject Line Change" I'll work on it too.  Maybe
Michael can program a "Welcome to the Rhodes List" every time a new person
joins.  Maybe every time new people identify themselves, the last new person
to do so can forward some of this boiler plate language as a way to
contribute to the continuity of the list. Maybe "Welcome to the
Rhodes22-List" would contain links to other topics regarding list mechanics.

Bill Effros

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Alm" <salm@mn.rr.com>
To: <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Subject Line Change


>It is perfectly OK to crib the comments of others into a
> "stock" reply sent out from time to time--like the charter.

What does that mean and what is a charter?


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