[Rhodes22-list] Life Lines, second jib tracks

Wally Buck tnrhodey@hotmail.com
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 14:09:02 -0500

I am thinking of removing my lifelines. Everything is in good shape but I 
just think they can be a PITA. I sail on a river and really do not see any 
safety advantages to my lifelines, if anything I will one day probably trip 
over them. When trying to point high I sheet my 125 Genoa inside the outer 
shroud. Often when tacking the sail will wound up hanging on the outside of 
the lifeline and then I have to lift over. By the way my 125 genoa can fit 
inside the outer shroud without being furled and it stops just short of 
touching the spreader.

Anyone out there think I am making a poor decision? I guess I could always 
put them back on if I was heading off the coast.

I know some of you have a second set of jib tracks on your cabin top. Can 
someone describe to me where these are located on your boat, how long are 
the tracks, and what size jib works best? I can furl my 135 Genoa down to 
about standard jib size and my Harken furler allows decent sail shape.  I 
checked MJM site for photos and could not find one showing this, am I 
missing it? Any comments would be welcome.



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