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brad haslett flybrad@yahoo.com
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 15:14:22 -0800 (PST)

April 04, 2003
Kerry Calls for U.N. Rule in Post-Bush U.S. 
(2003-04-04) -- U.S. Senator John Kerry, D-MA, said
the United Nations should have primary responsibility
for governing the United States in the post-Bush era.

Sen. Kerry, who recently called for regime change in
the U.S., said a U.N. occupation force should be
stationed in all 50 states after the 2004 elections to
ensure peace during the transition to a socialist

"It's clear that a nation with so many ethnic groups
and competing idealogies is not ready for
representative government," he said. "So the United
Nations must take control as soon as George Bush is
overthrown. Food and universal health care will of
course be provided by the transitional ruling

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