[Rhodes22-list] Saddam and Cartoons

Steve rhodes2282@yahoo.com
Mon, 7 Apr 2003 07:36:05 -0700 (PDT)

Good one, Brad.

--- brad haslett <flybrad@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Top Ten Reasons Why Saddam Didn't Give His Speech
> the
> Other Day
> 10. The babysitter didn't show.
> 9. His camel wouldn't start.
> 8. Uday was going to drive him, but him being dead
> and
> all...
> 7. He couldn't find his big, nerdy glasses.
> 6. Another one of those pesky, spontaneous
> pro-Saddam
> demonstrations was blocking his driveway.
> 5. Couldn't find his lucky rifle.
> 4. Still loopy from sniffing the sarin gas.
> 3. Somebody told him he wasn't really Saddam, he was
> just another double. Damn that Qusay and his warped
> sense of humor!
> 2. His mustache wasn't back from the cleaners yet.
> And the Number One Reason Why Saddam Didn't Give His
> Speech the Other Day:
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