[Rhodes22-list] It's that time again.

John Tonjes johntonjes@earthlink.net
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 15:44:31 -0500

Hello ya all. I am the keeper of the Rhodes owners list. This list is
kept for social porpoises and will not be sold or given to anyone for
commercial use. Should the list fall into the hands of telemarketers and
the like, we have ways of dealing with the slimy scums that they are.
There is no charge to be added to the list, but you must be the owner of
a Rhodes design hull.
If you would like to be added to this exclusive list, please send me
your names, address, telephone number(s) boat name, hull ID#, port you
sail out of and of course your Admiral's name.
Once you have been added to the list, you must wait thirty (30) days
before you can request and receive a copy of the list. There is no
charge for this service and offers of money will not get you a copy any
sooner. (send rum)
The list will be sent to you upon request as an attachment to a e-mail.
There are currently more than 130 Rhodes owners on the list. Yes, we are
a very social group.
Please send your information directly to me so everyone on the lists
won't see your personal information.