[Rhodes22-list] Rebuilding Iraq was State of the Union

brad haslett flybrad@yahoo.com
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 08:25:18 -0800 (PST)

Mark your calendars!  On this day, January 30, year of
our Lord, 2003, I find myself in agreement with Bill
Berner on something.  This is surely a sign from the
heavens; the end is near!

Bill is right, we'll have to stay in Iraq for a long
time to achieve any lasting, positive effect on the
region. For and indepth article on the subject read
James Fallows, "The Firty-First State", Atlantic
Monthly, NOV 2002. 

For the record I regretfully accept that taking out
Saddam is a necessity.  Every trip to China I am
saddened that FDR and Truman didn't listen to General
Stillwell and force a two party system there after
WW2. The USA has a historical record of "fighting the
good fight" and then not following up with the long
term commitment necessary for lasting peace.  We did
it in Japan and Germany, we'll have to do it again in
the Middle East.  Truman was able to fund the Marshall
Plan during a sagging post war economy.  Our challenge
will be no less.

Brad Haslett
--- bberner@optonline.net wrote:
>    Alex -
>    I cnouldn't disagree with you more on getting out
> of Iraq as soon as
>    the war is over.
>    For the record - I am against a war on Iraq at
> this time.  However,
>    based on the SOTU speech, it seems like a pretty
> sure thing.
>    At any rate, if the US or some coalition wer eto
> go in, remove Saddam
>    and some generals, and then pack up and leave,
> there would be chaos.
>    Tribal fighting and genocide would surely result.
>  Now that's a
>    scenario that is ripe for increasing religous
> fundamentalism, hatrred
>    of the US, and increased terorism
>    On the other hand, a major long term benefit of
> getting rid of Hussein
>    is the chance to try to enable a democracy to
> grow and take hold in
>    Iraq, that might spread to Saudi Arabia and
> Kuwait.  The way this
>    could occur, admittedsly over many years, is that
> democracy in Iraq
>    would lead to greater education, equal rights,
> and the resulting
>    increase in economic opportunity for a large part
> of the population.
>    Citizens of other Arab countries, witnessing
> this, would press for
>    democratization in their own countries.
>    The final benefit would be a depowering of
> religous fundamentalist
>    extremists, and lessening the likelihood of
> terrorism in western
>    countries.
>    Short sighted foreign policy has been a major
> contributor to the mess
>    we find ourselves in today with both our enemies
> (at least this
>    decade) and allies.  Your prescrikption to kick
> soime Iraqi ass and
>    get the hell out, would only add perpetuate the
> problem and add fuel
>    to the terrorist fire.
>    BB
>    Bill Berner
>    v: 914.478.2896
>    f: 914.478.3856
>    e: BBerner@optonline.net
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