[Rhodes22-list] Boom Room

Bob Weber ruba1811 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 28 11:27:44 EDT 2004

Sheldon.  Short of buying the boom room from GB enclosing the entire cockpit 
from something as small as a mosquito is quite a task.  I think Roger 
fabricated his own boom room.  If you do it yourself other people's 
measurements are not going to be precise enough to where each snap is snug 
w/o being too short.  You would have to have a canvas person measuring and 
cutting right at the boat for it too look right.  I plan on covering the 
cockpit from rain and dirt with a boom tent.  I will have a canvas person 
measure it.  The unique feature of this will be two  pockets sewn in 
horizontally (port to starboard) which I will be able to slide in tent 
poles.  These poles hold the tent up horizontal  (parrallel to the water) 
providing a covered cockpit with headroom.  I will have a few straps right 
at the snap holes which will provide a little down pressure in the tent 
poles and keep it from blowing away.  I have even thought about wall to this 
design but I might just have a zipper sewn into the edge and expand into 
that if I find a great need.  The poptop enclosure was a good purchase.  I 
have waited out several rainy days inside it and it has kept the bugs at 
bay.  One of the worst nights aboard I was too lazy to put up the poptop and 
rationalized not putting it up inorder to catch more breeze.  It was 95 
degreese and wanted all the breeze I could get.  That night the dog and I 
were burtalized by mosquitos.  Sleeping was impossible.  They didn't once 
bite my pregnant wife ( "Cutters" should take note )  I dripped the last 
drop of cutters on me and took refuge with the dog in a sleeping bag.  95 
degreese and we wrapped ourselves as tightly as possible in the bag.  
Occasionally a hand would fall out of the bag and be ravaged by bites to the 
point where it woke me.  Sorry about the tangent - I had almost blocked that 
night out of my mind.  Bob Weber

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