[Rhodes22-list] Hitch and Tongue

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Sun Aug 29 17:51:27 EDT 2004

Saroj wrote:
> Sounds good.... what's a ferrule?

>From Webster:

Main Entry: fer·rule
Pronunciation: 'fer-&l
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of Middle English virole, 
from Middle French, from Latin viriola, 
diminutive of viria bracelet, of Celtic origin; 
akin to Old Irish fiar oblique
Date: 1611

1 : a ring or cap usually of metal put around a 
slender shaft (as a cane or a tool handle) to 
strengthen it or prevent splitting

2 : a usually metal sleeve used especially for 
joining or binding one part to another (as pipe 
sections or the bristles and handle of a brush)

- fer·ruled adjective

>From Bob:

On a fishing rod, a ferrule is used to 
join one section of rod to another.  

Typically, the outer (toward the tip) 
section of the rod fits into a socket 
(ferrule) attached to the outer end of 
the inner toward the handle) piece.

For this project, a small piece of pipe
would do just as well, or any object with
a hole that can be affixed to the top of 
the hitch and hold a rod straight up in 
the air.


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