[Rhodes22-list] Dazed and Confused

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Tue Jul 27 14:02:51 EDT 2004

Herb, Slim,

I forgot that I'm planning to sell my trailer and get a new one from Stan before I pull my boat out of the water.  I was planning to trade in the one I've got, an older Rhodes Trailmaster purchased from Stan, for a new one I'll probably pick up from the Manufacturer who is not far from me in Connecticut.

I've got some kind of crazy deal with Bruce Greenwald the exact details of which I'm sure we've both forgotten, which gives him first shot at my trailer should he want it, but I doubt that he will.

The trailer is showing some signs of age, but still seems structurally sound.  More importantly, all of the bunks are in the right places.

You guys are kind of far from me, but I thought I should mention it's available.  I only want for it what it's worth.  Stan can tell us what that number is.

Bill Effros

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