[Rhodes22-list] Slim see Pics boat by

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Mon Mar 1 10:17:43 EST 2004

Kroposki wrote:
> Slim,
>         If you can download the file, save it as bin and try to use a
> paint or drawing or graphics program to open it.  Painting programs can
> usually read many different graphic formats and usually can save to
> another format like jpeg or jif.
>                  Ed K

Following Ed's comments, save the file, 
rename it to xxxxx.JPG, then open it.

MJM's list software converts .JPGs and other 
attachments to .bin files and substitutes a 
URL pointer for them.  This is a good virus 
protection, and saves download time for those 
with slow Internet access- they have the 
option of not downloading pix, etc.

Hope this helps,
/Bob Skinner

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