[Rhodes22-list] Need Dimensions

cjlowe cjlowe at bright.net
Mon Mar 1 20:52:19 EST 2004

  The good news is I just uncovered CR yesterday,the bad news is it's
raining,the wind is blowing 20+ mph,and it's darker than the inside of a
black cow in my back yard.From the bolt holes ( that attach the pop top to
the mast slot bracket) to the back of the stern rail is 12' 6"  .the gunwale
inside cockpit  - 75"   outside of boat 95" Due to adverse conditions, these
figures could be & or - 1.5" .  CR is a 86,with standard stern rail (does
not  have the curves around the hiking seats) If you need better or more
measurements I can try again tomorrow

Jerry & Carol Lowe

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