[Rhodes22-list] Maryland experienced Rhodie Technician

stan stan at rhodes22.com
Mon Nov 1 04:25:18 EST 2004

 Thanks to all

A not yet Rhodes owner lurker fixed it today.

I do not know how many of you know that when Practical Sailor did the
 Rhodes Review they said that never in their history had they had such an
 overwhelming response to their request for owners comments, as they did
 from you Rhodies - and this for a tiny company with just one little

>From the extreme right to far left, Rhodies are probably the smartest,
 most helpful, most entertaining, most fun and friendliest (mostly)
 assembly of sailors on the internet.  At least it would be nice if such a
 rating could be determined but in the meantime I like to stop periodically
 to remind myself to thank you all for the support you have generously
 given to wanabes and lurkers as well as to each other - and even for my
 occasional calls for answers.

So my thanks to you and you and you and .......  to all who have made this
 the vibrant chat room that it is.


----- Original Message ----- 
 From: "Lloyd Crowther" <lcrowther at cox.net>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Maryland experienced Rhodie Technician


Even I might be able to help if I had a better idea of what the problem
Not only that, others on the list might be able to advise what the solution
might be before anyone ever goes to look at the problem if  Stan would be
 a little less secretive.  He does not need to name the owner or otherwise
embarrass anybody but certainly more information about the problem would
encourage more volunteers.


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