[Rhodes22-list] Re: Rhodes22-list Digest, Vol 580, Issue 1

Loumoore at aol.com Loumoore at aol.com
Fri Nov 19 21:30:07 EST 2004

I am seriously considering purchasing a Rhodes about 1 year from now.  I have 
taken two test sails, one in light wind and one in 20 knot winds with Jay F. 
on Barnegat Bay.  Great times! 

One concern: Since I have a family with small children, I wanted to ask how 
you all think the boat handles in 15-20 knot winds.  

1. Is it common to have the lee rail in the water under these conditions 
until she stiffens?
2. Is she overly tender in 15 + knots?
3. Do you think a boat with more ballast and a conventional keel would be 
better for a family with young kids, i.e. does the Rhodes sail too much like a 
dingy?  (no insult here--a dingy is a lively, fun craft to be in!  And you can't 
sail a ballasted tank like a Flicka in light winds.)
4. Would appreciate your thoughts.

Lou Moore

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