[Rhodes22-list]Political commentary of my Heritage of thought toBrad

stan stan at rhodes22.com
Sat Oct 16 08:35:55 EDT 2004

to quote Steve:  Ed, Ed, Ed:

this is nonsense.

Kerry is no more an anti capitalist than I am (and I have everyone on this 
list beat when it come to the capitalist label - granted a liberal 

The Republicans have worked hard to make "liberal" a dirty word - what are 
you stating to do? make it even dirtier.  To quote Steve again: Shame.

One candidate DOES advocate failed policies.  Bush insists on again going 
for the failed trickle down logic.

And freedom?  Give this guy 4 more years and you will get religion in 
government and into every other phase of your life.  After all, he is a born 
again Christian and gets his instructions direct from god.  You will get 
government telling what you can do with your body because he will appoint 
judges who do not understand freedom.  You will get policies that 
consolidate media into fewer and fewer well selected hands (already guys 
like Elton can't own stations anymore).  And before you know it, you will 
get instructions telling libraries what books to get rid of.

You are right, one candidate will lead us down a dictatorial path and that 
is not the one who volunteered to risk his life for his country.

Ed, you are driving me to religion as I find myself saying god help us if we 
are now to be faced with an opposition bent on escalating the Democrats from 
liberals to communists..  Gobel once said:  Lie enough times and the public 
will believe you.  Democrats are still too civil to start calling the other 
side Fascists - but maybe it will have to come to pass when that turns out 
to be the truth.


>> What is all this about?  The answer is politics.
>> Mr. Kerry espouses
>> policies that at the least are socialistic and verge
>> on dictatorship by
>> federal decree.  That is dictatorship of the
>> proletariat, which by
>> definition is Communism.
>> The greatest advances in the quality of human life
>> have occurred
>> when people have been given freedom to choose in the
>> market place of ideas
>> and products.  There always are those who think that
>> their way is best and
>> everyone else should be compelled to the same.
>> The terrorist in Iraq and Afghanistan are trying to
>> compel all
>> others in those countries to do as they say.
>> Advocates of socialized
>> medicine say that everyone should get the same
>> program as determined by the
>> government.  Communism says that everyone should put
>> into society and
>> receive back an equal share.  Those unable to put in
>> anything are still
>> entitled to an equal share.  The result has shown
>> that even those capable of
>> putting in more slack off because they get an equal
>> share regardless of
>> their contribution.
>> Let us understand that one candidate advocates
>> socialism and one
>> advocate's capitalism.  One advocates copying the
>> failed economic policies
>> of Europe and one is an iconoclast of capitalism.
>> Enough said.
>> Ed K

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