[Rhodes22-list] Brad'sSpiders

Grayson/Ena Lynn agl2001 at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 19 00:17:21 EDT 2004

> Even the environmentalist on the list cannot object to these.

Well, lay in a big supply of BuggOff, guys, because soon there won't be any.  Port Orford cedar grows only in northwest California and southwest Oregon, and is rapidly being wiped out by a root infection that spreads primarily through the mud picked up by off-road vehicles.  As if that weren't enough, the Japanese like to build their houses of cedar, and are buying up all the Port Orford they can get their hands on so they won't have to cut down their own native cedars.  


And then there's this:

..."Under the guise of preventing forest fires, the Bush administration is planning the biggest timber sale on public lands in modern history. The Biscuit Project would allow logging of 372 million board feet of timber across 30 square miles of southwest Oregon's Siskiyou National Forest-enough timber to fill 70,000 logging trucks. The logging would be done on wildlands of uncommon beauty and ecological diversity, far from any community that could be damaged in a fire."...

You guessed it... the Siskiyou contains many of the last remaining healthy stands of Port Orford cedar.

Don't you get it, folks?  You ARE the environment.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ed kroposki" <ekroposki at charter.net>
To: "'The Rhodes 22 mail list'" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 9:29 PM
Subject: RE: [Rhodes22-list] Brad'sSpiders

> Brad:
> Check these out:
> http://www.bioganic.com/products.shtml
> http://www.rosecityarchery.com/bugoff.html
> Even the environmentalist on the list cannot object to these.
> Ed K

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