[Rhodes22-list] Sappy Comment on D-Day

brad haslett flybrad at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 6 16:19:48 EDT 2005

Perhaps you’ve forgotten, 61 years ago today, a lot of
young American boys stormed and died taking the
beaches of Normandy.  Before that, a horrible number
of boys, American and British, died taking control of
the coast of North Africa.  We fought the Vichy French
for three days, and they mentally masturbated for the
next week deciding whose side they were on.  The
French surrendered (was there some doubt) and the
Vichy commanders eventually joined the Free French,
with the sacrifice of our good men, and took France
back from the Germans.  Note:  if you disagree with
this assessment, REALLY do your homework and get back
to me.  We could have sat out the whole war – Charles
Lindbergh suggested that course (America First).  We
could have spared ourselves a whole lot of trouble –
the hundreds of thousands dead, creating Israel and
the downstream confrontation and defense, the Cold
War, and our current war against tyranny. 

We didn’t.  The boys who charged the beaches 61 years
ago and died on that beach didn’t dream of being a
part of a world power (the US Army was the 16th
largest military, right behind Romania at the start of
the war).  They didn’t dream of being a big shot in a
world government. They wanted to go home to their
farms and jobs in Iowa, Minnesota, California, etc.,
and live their life in peace.   They’re mostly gone
now.  Let’s hope we have even a small part of their
courage and perseverance.

It would be remiss of us to not remember them on this

Brad Haslett
(Proud son of a “Red Ball Express” soldier)

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