[Rhodes22-list] Political - The war on Terrorism

brad haslett flybrad at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 10:58:51 EDT 2005


Excellent essay!  I couldn't agree more. 

This week I've endured two incredibly silly events as
part of the 9/11 hangover.  Monday I traveled to DC on
US Airways and because it was a last minute, one-way
fare I got picked for ultra security - shoes off, belt
open, bags searched, pat down, wanded, etc.  I guess
there has been a rash of middle aged white males
wearing pilot uniforms with airline ID's blowing up
airlines.  Yesterday, Air France had a chemical spill
in front of their freight facility at Dulles.  The
hazmat team and airport security had the only exit
from our facility blocked and our limo couldn't get
past them to take us to the hotel.  I called the
Dulles airport authority to ask permission for our
limo to drive through our building and around the
cargo facility to another exit.  Nope, can't be done,
the limo doesn't have the paperwork.  "Yea, but I'll
be sitting right next to the driver".  Nope, can't be
done.  "How about if one of our mx trucks escorts us?"
 Nope, can't be done.  Finally one of our rampers, a
"its easier to ask forgiveness than permission" kind
of guy said "follow me".  We left.  There are so many
empires being built since 9/11 its pathetic and yet,
its non-PC to profile.  Incredible. I really hadn't
planned to go to gun-packing school but am now
considering it so I can skip the silly airport
security goat-rope.


--- Hank <hnw555 at gmail.com> wrote:

> The below essay is, unfortunately,  not attributed. 
> I believe it
> presents a very succinct argument for the war on
> terrorism and
> accurately portrays the predicament the US is in. 
> It does not assign
> blame to liberals or conservatives and, I do not
> believe it is biased
> in either direction.  I think it is very good food
> for thought.  Let
> the discussion begin!
> Hank
> To get out of a difficulty, one usually must go
> through it. Our
> country is now facing the most serious threat to its
> existence, as we
> know it, that we have faced in your lifetime and
> mine (which includes
> WWII! ).
> The deadly seriousness is greatly compounded by the
> fact that there
> are very few of us who think we can possibly lose
> this war and even
> fewer who realize what losing really means.
> First, let's examine a few basics: 
> 1. When did the threat to us start? 
> Many will say September 11th, 2001. The answer as
> far as the United
> States is concerned is 1979, 22 years prior to
> September 2001, with
> the following attacks on us:
> Iran Embassy Hostages, 1979; 
> Beirut, Lebanon Embassy 1983; 
> Beirut, Lebanon Marine Barracks 1983; 
> Lockerbie, Scotland Pan-Am flight to New York 1988; 
> Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Kh! obar Towers Military
> complex 1996; 
> Nairobi, Kenya US Embassy 19 98; 
> Dares Salaam, Tanzania US Embassy 1998; 
> Pentagon 2001. 
> (Note that during the period from 1981 to 2001 there
> were 7,581
> terrorist attacks worldwide).
> 2. Why were we attacked? 
> Envy of our position, our success, and our freedoms.
> The attacks
> happened during the administrations of Presidents
> Carter, Reagan, Bush
> 1, Clinton and Bush 2. We cannot fault either the
> Republicans or
> Democrats as there were no provocation's by any of
> the presidents or
> their immediate predecessors, Presidents Ford or
> Carter.
> 3. Who were the attackers? 
> In each case, the attacks on the US were carried out
> by Muslims. 
> 4. What is the Muslim population of the World?   25%
> 5. Isn't the Muslim Religion peaceful? 
> Hopefully, but that is really not material. There is
> no doubt that the
> predominately Christian population of Germany was
> peaceful, but under
> the dictatorial leadership of Hitler (who was also
> Christian), that
> made no difference. You either went along with the
> administration or
> you were eliminated. There were 5 to 6 million
> Christians killed by
> the Nazis for political reasons (including 7,000
> Polish priests). (see
> http://www.nazis.testimony.co.uk/7-a.htm).
> Thus, almost the same number of Christians were
> killed by the Nazis,
> as the 6 million holocaust Jews who were killed by
> them, and we seldom
> heard of anything other than the Jewish atrocities.
> Although Hitler
> kept the world focused on the Jews, he had no
> hesitancy about killing
> anyone who got in his way of exterminating the Jews
> or of taking over
> the world - German, Christian or any others.
> Same with the Muslim terrorists. They focus the
> world on the US, but
> kill all in the way -- their own people or the
> Spanish, French or
> anyone else. The point here is that just like the
> peaceful Germans
> were of no protection to anyone from the Nazis, no
> matter how many
> peaceful Muslims there may be, they are no
> protection for us from the
> terrorist Muslim leaders and what they are
> fanatically bent on doing
> -- by their own pronouncements -- killing all of us
> "infidels." I
> don't blame the peaceful Muslims. What would you do
> if the choice was
> shut up or die?
> 6. So who are we at war with? 
> There is no way we can honestly respond that it is
> anyone other than
> the Muslim terrorists. Trying to be politically
> correct and avoid
> verbalizing this conclusion can well be fatal. There
> is no way to win
> if you don't clearly recognize and articulate who
> you are fighting.
> So with that background, now to the two major
> questions: 
> 1. Can we lose this war? 
> 2. What does losing really mean? 
> If we are to win, we must clearly answer these two
> pivotal questions. 
> We can definitely lose this war, and as anomalous as
> it may sound, the
> major reason we can lose is that so many of us
> simply do not fathom
> the answer to the second question - What does losing
> mean?
> It would appear that a great many of us think that
> losing the war
> means hanging our heads, bringing the troops home
> and going on about
> our business, like post Vietnam. This is as far from
> the truth as one
> can get. What losing really means is:
> We would no longer be the premier country in the
> world. The attacks
> will not subside, but rather will steadily increase.
> Remember, they
> want us dead, not just quiet. If they had just
> wanted us quiet, they
> would not have produced an increasing series of
> attacks against us,
> over the past 18 years. The plan was clearly, for
> terrorist to attack
> us, until we were neutered and submissive to them.
> We would of course have no future support from other
> nations, for fear
> of reprisals and for the reason that they would see,
> we are impotent
> and cannot help them.
> They will pick off the other non-Muslim nations, one
> at a! time. It
> will be increasingly easier for them. They already
> hold Spain hostage.
> It doesn't matter whether it was right or wrong for
> Spain to withdraw
> its troops from Iraq. Spain did it because the
> Muslim terrorists
> bombed their train and told them to withdraw the
> troops. Anything else
> they want Spain to do will be done. Spain is
> finished.
> The next will probably be France. Our one hope on
> France is that they
> might see the light and realize that if we don't
> win, they are
> finished too, in that they can't resist the Muslim
> terrorists without
> us. However, it may already be too late for France.
> France is already
> 20% Muslim and fading fast!
> If we lose the war, our production, income, exports
> and way of life
> will all vanish as we know it. After losing, who
> would trade or deal
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