[Rhodes22-list] Rain water/Cabin leaks

Sheldon Green sheldongreen at comcast.net
Sun Mar 13 17:19:27 EST 2005

At the end of the sailing season we had a week of torrential rain and
experienced wet cabin cushions (not V-Berth).  Can anyone suggest what the
most likely areas for leaks may be, and recommended solutions? 
We're considering the following: Caulking all windows and points where the
handrails are attached to the main cabin. We have 3 solar panels one mounted
on the pop top and 2 mounted on the roof of the cabin are these potential
areas for leaks as well?

Is this a good starting point?  Are there other areas we should be looking
at?  We're planning on using Marine grade silicone caulking.

All suggestions greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Sheldon Green 

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