[Rhodes22-list] Boeing Stock and Composite Boats

ed kroposki ekroposki at charter.net
Thu Mar 31 06:49:39 EST 2005

	I have out of touch with the world as most Americans know it.  Where
I was over in the Ukraine, there were no English language newspapers
available and no English language news.  Because of the extremely slow
internet access, I could not even check the news on the internet.
	What day did this accident occur?  Any details? Web citations? Your
attached info was very interesting.  Is the sailboat incident that you are
referring to the carbon fiber mast failure?   
	AS to my being out of touch, the other lady with my wife had
extensive international travel experience and was exasperated that we could
not even get the BBC.  The people that sent us did not accurately portray
the situation, enough said.
	FYI, the AeroSvit flight to Kiev from JFK was almost 5,000 miles.
The plane, a Boeing 767, had screens for movies which also allowed the
pilots to post information.  In between the movies and at the beginning and
near the end of the flight they posted maps of the route, progress on the
route, altitude, air speed, departure time, actual time, expected arrival
time, temperature and weather conditions.  The crew was very professional.
All announcements were first made in Ukrainian then an English translation.
In fact the monitor screens posted the information in Ukrainian and metric
then English with our miles or temperature.  I could recommend this airline
to the next guy going to Kiev, your everyday destination.
Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA

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