[Rhodes22-list] A little more on Islam

Chris Geankoplis napoli68 at charter.net
Fri Oct 14 11:44:37 EDT 2005

Hey Mike,
                Sudan huh?  Then we may be related,  I had a great great
grandmother from the Sudan.  She was about 6 feet tall and ran away with a 5
foot Greek from Alexandria!
Chris G
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "M. Abdullah" <sifood at austin.rr.com>
To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 6:59 AM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] A little more on Islam

> Howdy Bill and all,
> Yep, I'm still sailing my little WindRider 17 Trimaran in the lakes
> around Austin, crewing on big boats in Houston with my homies, and
> dreaming of when I can get a Rhodes 22.
> To set the record straight I'm not a native Texan, I'm much better than
> that - I was born and raised in Savannah, GA just down the road from
> Rummy. Dad is from Sudan and Mom is a Gullah from SC. Gullah is a low
> country culture and language. There's plenty of Gullah info on the web.
> Anyway I learned Arabic from my father and while on stays in Sudan and
> later working in Saudi Arabia. So my languages are Gullah, English,
> Arabic, and now Spanish (really Texmex) in that order.
> Arabic is a Semitic language. The other modern Semitic languages are
> Hebrew and Amharic (the official language of Ethiopia) and Aramaic (most
> scholars say this is what Jesus spoke - I don't know). I visited some
> Christian communities in Iraq that spoke Aramaic. This was way before
> Gulf War 1 which I was against because Kuwait is historically a part of
> Iraq. And the Kuwaities were screwing Saddam by slant drilling. And the
> Kuwaities are a bunch of slave traders. I wish we had never gotten
> involved. What was Saddam going to do with the extra oil? Drink it? No,
> he was going to sell it to us a low price.
> Ancient or classical Arabic is the language of the Quran. Modern Arabic
> is both different and similar. The easiest way to explain it is to
> compare Shakespeare’s English to modern American English.
> The Arabic of the Quran is mesmerizing in its style, substance, and
> subject matter. It’s like a high form of very advanced poetry. The Quran
> is the only miracle of Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad was accused of being a
> mad poet. People would put their fingers in their ears and do the
> la-la-la-la thing so they would not become enchanted. LOL
> Sidebar: In Quran Muhammad is mentioned by name only 3 times, Jesus 25
> times, Moses, Abraham much more. If you read an English translation
> you'll see Muhammad many more times but this is just the translator
> giving his opinion. I've read a few English translations but have had
> problems with some of the text. If you ever do read an English
> translation and something just hits you as wrong it more than likely is.
> Arabic just like any other language can be manipulated to your own good
> or evil ends. Example: "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb ..." Did
> Mary own a lamb, or did she have lamb for dinner, or was Mary part of a
> DNA experiment and have birth to a little lamb? Quran tell believers to
> "follow the best meaning" to me this means that you pick the most
> sensible and moral meaning. But y'all know how people are, especially
> non-sailors.
> Bill, I'll tell you what I think of hadiths in another post.
> Mike Abdullah
> Bill Effros wrote:
> > Mike,
> >
> > Glad you're still here.
> >
> > I would love to know as much as you care to send. It's hard to find
> > anybody who knows what they are talking about on this topic. Will
> > formulate and get back with specific questions.
> >
> > Do you read/write/speak Arabic? Let's start with that. How are the
> > Arabic languages connected? What are they? Who uses which? Is ancient
> > usage different from modern? Were the political texts written in the
> > same language as the Quran? How are the hadiths organized?
> >
> > Many more questions to come.
> >
> > Bill Effros
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