[Rhodes22-list] Mississippi Hiway Patrol Looking

brad haslett flybrad at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 21 18:25:15 EST 2006


That looks like one of the winners of the 'Darwin
Awards' a few years back.  He attached a JATO
bottle(jet assisted take-off) to his 60's something
car which came apart apart about, oh, 300 mph or so. 

A cropduster at my home airport in the 70's got busted
one time for flying under an interstate bridge.  They
never get above 50 feet, even when ferrying between
fields.  He couldn't resist flying under the bridge
between cars and was spotted by a state trooper who
followed him to the field they were operating near the
highway.  Knowing nothing about aviation rules, he
charged him with speeding (100 mph in a 70). 

 "You can't charge me with speeding, I wasn't in a

"Right, explain that to the judge".

Ed, you are correct.  I'm long overdue for some time
on the CoraShen.


--- ed kroposki <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:

> Brad,
> 	The Mississippi highway patrol is looking for an
> aviation type seen
> cruising the interstate heading north the other day.
>  See attached
> description:
> Ed K
> Greenville, SC, USA
> > Name: Brad's Car.JPG Type: image/jpeg Size: 45264
> bytes Desc: not available
> Url:
> > __________________________________________________
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