[Rhodes22-list] Luis please help Mark

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Wed Jan 11 11:26:32 EST 2006

mputnam1 at aol.com wrote:
> ...
> Ed, I hope this meets your standard of "demonstrating persistence"
> ...  you make a person feel like they're just one big annoyance
> every time they ask a question that you might have talked about
> years ago before I ever even heard of a Rhodes 22.

Fortunately, Ed is not the sole judge of etiquette on the 
list.  As you have observed, others with experience on
your questions are helpful.  You have nothing to apologize
for, and are welcome to present questions on anything, any

You are welcome here.  Newbies are treasured -- you are the 

/Bob Skinner

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