[Rhodes22-list] Chesapeake Sailing

DCLewis1 at aol.com DCLewis1 at aol.com
Tue Mar 21 13:29:14 EST 2006

The retirement locale saga goes on, but I think we’re getting close (I  
hope).  We’ve been through a long list of places.
The remaining “look” area includes  the lakes: Hartwell, Keowee,  Lanier, 
Norman, Jordan, etc.  I think we ought to check at least some of  them out.  One 
problem with the lakes is that climatologically southern  lakes map to 
substantially more northern coastal areas that are closer to kith  and kin.  For 
example, Hartwell would map to Washington NC; so what’s the  inducement - apart 
from the lack of hurricanes.  But we’ll see.    There are so many dimensions to 
this issue that there probably is no single  “right” answer.  Actually, if 
there were a single right answer everyone  would likely move to that area, and 
it would no longer be the right  answer.
By the way, we did check out Jax and the St Johns on our previous junket  and 
I fully agree with your assessment, it looks like it would be a great place  
to sail.  We spent some time at the waterfront area down town, it was  
delightful.   The problem we saw was not the sailing, but rather that  Jacksonville 
is a genuinely busy commercial city with lots of traffic,  etc.  If you were 
based out of there by reason of employment, I imagine it  would be a great place 
to sail from; but if you had your choice of where to live  and sail from we 
thought a little more laid back area might be better.   Thanks for your 
insights though, they were  helpful.

We’re  supposed to get snow today in Washington, maybe I should reconsider 

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