[Rhodes22-list] Politics and discussion between Slim, Brad, et al.

Philip 3drecon at comcast.net
Fri Nov 10 21:12:10 EST 2006


Two problems arise.  One is the mistaken belief that Bush (or Bush Sr.) is a
conservative.  He is not (but the left hates him anyway).  Bush is a
moderate at best and so his spending habits are not surprising.
Never-the-less, all fiscal bills come from CONGRESS.  Bush may sign them,
but he doesn't originate them.  Reagan's Congress was Democrat.  Clinton's
Congress was Republican.  They provided the fiscal bills.  The President has
input and requests and veto, but they don't get the final say, the
legislature does (if they can override his veto).

Section VII

Clause 1:

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of
Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on
other Bills.



 -----Original Message-----
From: 	rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
[mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org]  On Behalf Of DCLewis1 at aol.com
Sent:	Friday, November 10, 2006 8:53 PM
To:	rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Subject:	Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics and discussion between Slim, Brad, et


You've missed the point.  No one has ever said or implied that there  was no
borrowing before Reagan.  As Brad has pointed out, there has always  been a
national debt (although not all Presidents have added to it). The  point is
scale of the debts that have been incurred.
The average $/yr of borrowing by Reagan was x3 (that's right 300%) higher
than his immediate predecessor Carter.  Understand that I'm not holding
up as a paragon of virtue, but Carters borrowing was roughly in line  with
Nixon's and Eisenhower's.  Borrowing was cooking along at an  approximately
constant level (as I recall corrected for inflation ), but when  Reagan came
borrowing went through the roof, and it stayed through the roof,  and it
through the roof with BushI, and now BushJr is completely off the  charts
again.  These 3 Presidents have borrowed and spent a huge amount of  $ - far
ALL their predecessors in nominal terms.  Except for  Roosevelt in WWII, and
perhaps Lincoln with the Civil war,  their  level of borrowing is without
historical precedence - it's huge!    Their overspending outstrips anything
Dems have done, except for WWII, and  anything other Republicans (Nixon &
Eisenhower) ever did.

What they or any President/Administration spent the $ on is besides  the
point for this discussion.  The focus is the huge amount of borrowing  by
BushI and Jr, and the point being made (hopefully) is that it is  really
excessive by historical standards.

Calling people "conservatives" who overspend and take on the as much debt
Reagan, Bush, and Jr seems like a stretch to me.  Do you remember when
people once talked about a balanced budget?  You've never seen a balanced
Republican President's budget.  Balanced is not even a goal in  any of their
administrations (yeah, they always identify how the NEXT Pres can  do it,
they never do it).  These people are not fiscal  conservatives.

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