[Rhodes22-list] political - war on drugs - an alternative approach

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Wed Aug 8 22:05:03 EDT 2007

Stan, If you want to run for the presidents office, you would have my vote.  
I could really get into legalized drugs. 
Legalize the drugs....all of them. Tax the hell out of them and use the  
taxes to treat the addicts and teach drug education in the schools. DUI  citations 
should remain the same. If you stupid enough to drive while under the  
influence, then you need to be punished. The billions spent on the war on drugs  
could be funneled elsewhere and we would certainly clear up a large portion of  
the jail cells currently filled with drug users.
Prohibition should have taught us all a lesson, but we seem to be stupid  
enough to continue repeating our mistakes.
I have the grandsons visiting this week so my rants are going to be few and  
far between. Glad to see the list has sprung back to life. It's good to see 
that  all it takes it a threat. For now I guess I will just have to be satisfied 
with  my rum.....and it ain't all bad. SS for president in 08.

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