[Rhodes22-list] Question for Brad about Iraq Information(political)

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 20:32:33 EDT 2007


As usual, we don't agree on shit!  But, we both like boating.  I see no
reason to give any more money to the Swift Boat Veterans.  They had a
legitimate beef based on their experience and it needed to be heard.  It
was.  Why don't you come visit me before the summer is over.  The wind on
Pickwick is never reliable.  I could find steady work for you.


On 7/10/07, DCLewis1 at aol.com <DCLewis1 at aol.com> wrote:
> Brad,
> Abandoned implies they've gone away and left you.  You haven't been
> abandoned, you've abandoned them.  Your party and your President
> haven't  changed at
> all, they are behaving as they always have.  We have the  continuous
> on-going
> deficits for 6 1/2 years to show for it.  The  militaristic foreign policy
> has always been there.   All that's  changed is the electorate's
> perception of
> neocon Republicans - and that's  changed a lot.  Subject to change, unless
> the
> Swiftboats For Truth squad  can spread enough lies and sleaze, the
> Republican
> Party is dead in 08.  So  now it's time for all good neocons to say "Oh,
> that
> 's not what we meant at  all.  Bush et al, who we've loyally supported via
> literally hundreds of  posts over 6 1/2 years, aren't really "true" neocon
> Republicans.  They've  abandoned us.  Re-elect another neocon turkey and
> this
> time we'll get it  right".   We'll see if the electorate buys that.  My
> guess is
> that it's up to your Swiftboat crew.
> The truth is the neocon Republicans are abandoning Bush because he has no
> coattails to ride.  In fact, he's a gross liability.
> Dave
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