[Rhodes22-list] Rummy's Packers - and Robert's redskins

Robert Skinner robert at squirrelhaven.com
Fri May 4 18:59:41 EDT 2007

Rob Lowe wrote:
> Tickets since '37?  What's that put you, in your 50's?

Would that it were so...

> Ah yes, games at RFK.  Nothing like them.  Seated in the metal bleachers
> that were moved when they played baseball there (back when you actually
> played more than one sport in a stadium).  Get them damn ol' Cowboys (or
> Giants, or Eagles) in town and need a defensive stop.  People would be
> stomping on the bleachers and that place would ROCK.  The whole damn stadium
> would ROCK.  The ball is snapped and Chris Hanburger or Pat Fischer would
> make the stop short of the first down.  Now THAT was football.  I'm getting
> goose bumps just thinking about it.

Yup.  I really enjoyed those days.  Toward the end, I 
drove a suburban to games so I could muscle my way out 
of the parking lot in less than an hour.  All charged 
up with a win, or less than pleased with a defeat, 
surrounded by a hundred other wired guys.  How I got 
home with never a fender bender I'll never know.

> Then "the house that Jack built" in Raljon...

Don't even want to think about it any more...
What a disaster!


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