[Rhodes22-list] Global Warming Scam - A 2cent observation

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Thu Nov 8 10:11:33 EST 2007

Global warming - is it happening?

Yes, it is probably happening at present time.  Just go to Greenland.  There
was a recent article about visiting old Viking ruins from about 900 A.D. 
This past summer has been the first time since then that an old farmhouse
that was built by the Vikings circa 900 A.D. was out from under a retreating
Observation:  The Vikings caused a 1000 year ice age.  Just read history and
look under retreating glaciers.

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
Addendum:  Sorting questions enable us to cull information, keeping
information pertinent and useful to illuminating issues.  Relevancy is the
primary criterion used to determine which facts to keep.  

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