[Rhodes22-list] Rhodes22 Owners in New Jersey

Michael Ticse mticse at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 21:48:16 EDT 2007

Thanks to those who responded. I can really use the local support as
this is my first sailboat and still very new to sailing having gone
thru the basic and bareboat sailing course and not having much sailing
time beyond that. So I'm a neophyte all around. So this Rhodes
community is a God send and really look forward to getting to know
everyone, the advice you all have to offer and hopefully sailing time

I acquired the boat from the nicest gentleman who had the Rhodes
docked in Mantoloking Yacht Club. Original owner. Took shipment
personally from Stan when GB were still in NY. Didn't take long for me
to make a decision. 30 minutes on the dock, 30 minutes for a quick
sail. I said DEAL!. On a daily basis I look at the local papers for
used sailboats and this was too good to be true. Still to this moment
I cannot believe that I finally have my own sailboat and a Rhodes 22
to boot!

My buddy Raj and I took possesion of Silverside on Sept. 8th and
thought that it would be about a 3 hour sail to Cedar Creek Marina
approx 15 miles due south in Barnegat. Well we tried to sail (2x's)
but could not make forward progress tacking as the strong winds were
blowing directly north. We decided to motor our way and turns out that
our 5 gallong tank wasn't going to cut it realized we need to stop for
gas. Never having to stop for gas this too was an experience and so
was the sleeping bridge operator where we waited for 45 minutes and
had to make a call to wake him up. Anyway...5.5 hours later, drenched,
Cedar Creek Marina was in our sights. Last time I was here was three
years ago when I took my basic keelboat from Capt Mike. Going into a
marina cold not knowing what to expect gave me the jitters especially
in tight quarters and only to find someone in the slip I reserved. So
we stopped at someone's dockside, thankfully they weren't home and
eventually got guided into our slip. Got into our slip without a hitch
and what a sigh of relief - we're finally home.

Anyway that's my short story of how I got here....Jay hope you don't
mind a phone call to chat. Rick, I'll be in Cedar Creek this Sat
morning...you want to meet?


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