[Rhodes22-list] launching in Tennessee in September

Laurie Denney lwdenney at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 16:54:20 EDT 2008

Dear Joe,

Yes, the public ramp is on the south end of the bridge.  We have a lot of
semi and large pontoon boat traffic that comes over the bridge daily so most
locals will stop at the beginning of the bridge to let the wider traffic
thru or those trailering will wait until the traffic is clear to go across.
Dont be afraid to wait for an opening, this is really a daily occurance
until they decide where to build us a new bridge.  Just something we have
gotten used to.

The marina at the point on the south side of the bridge also has a ramp but
they do charge.   Coming from Sevierville is an option but the road is very
curvy.  It is much easier to come from the Douglas Dam direction.

Cherokee Lake in Jefferson City is also a wonderful lake to sail.  There is
a public launch at the dam and a private on at the marina on Black Oak Rd.
They have sailing regattas several times a year over there.

Give us a call if you are in the area.  I would to meet you both and see
your Rhodes.  My partner and I have owned our 79 for several years now but
just got in the water this season and have questions.

My cell phone is 865-250-8064.  Have a great sail on Douglas and ENJOY!

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 6:01 PM, Joe Babb <joe.babb at comcast.net> wrote:

> Hello Laurie,
> Is the ramp at the south end of the bridge the one directly across from
> Dandridge?  The bridge is pretty narrow for a Rhodes
> but I could come from the Sevierville side on 92.
> Thanks,
> Joe
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Laurie Denney

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