[Rhodes22-list] New Topic - question for John L, Michael M, Slim, et al. (not political)(music or sound question)

Herb Parsons hparsons at parsonsys.com
Tue Dec 2 23:05:32 EST 2008

Ahh well, far beyond what I had in mind. My older brother pretty 
regularly gets high-powered gigs in the Mideast. He keeps asking me to 
come along, and I keep telling him I like my life here. However, if I 
hear about anything, I'll pass it along.

Said thing is, IT was beginning to pick up in this area, now AIG has 
laid off, and I'm sure that several other high-level banking related 
firms will follow.

michael meltzer wrote:
> Yep,
> Seems like a good excuse to post the resume(networking, ne6tworking :-),
> hope the html->text converter does not rip it apart too much.
> -mjm
> A senior-level Information Technology manager, lead developer, team leader
> and hands-on programmer who thrives in a fast-paced, constantly changing and
> challenging environment.  Experienced in project management, systems
> architecture and full project life cycle. Specialized in writing real-time
> market data systems, real-time automated market execution systems and
> infrastructure. In-depth market knowledge of equities, options, futures and
> derivatives; an understanding of how they trade and how traders/quants trade
> them. Effective at explaining technical issues to people ranging from junior
> administrators to senior management; also skilled at explaining business
> issues to technical team members.
> Languages: C++, C,  Perl, Java, HTML, SQL, PHP, Visual Basic, and x86
> Assembler. Interfaced to Basic, FORTRAN, APL, COBOL, and TAL.
> Project Management: A decisive action-oriented and results-focused
> professional. Skills: team building, team consensus, developing project
> scope (budgets, time lines and delivery dates), vendor coordination, full
> project life cycle, recognizing and accelerating peer's strengths, utilizing
> both "waterfall" and "extreme programming" methodology, defining continuous
> improvement processes with spiral development, risk reduction strategies,
> pro-active risk mitigation, project ownership, customer interfacing,
> corporate sponsorship and management  reporting. 
> Financial Licenses:
> FINRA (NASD) Series 7 - General Securities Representative
> FINRA (NASD) Series 63 - Uniform Securities Act
> FINRA (NASD) Series 55 - Registered Equity Trader
> Systems Architect: Proficient in all aspects of software development and
> system architecture. Have designed and implement many large, scalable,
> distributed systems. I utilize object oriented principles and "patterns".
> Deep understanding of low latency/high throughput system.  
> Programming Roles: System Programmer, Network Programmer, Application
> Programmer, Real-time Programmer, Execution System Programmer, Data Feed
> Programmer, Front and Back Office Programmer.
> Techniques: Object Oriented, Client/server, n-tier, distributed systems.
> Publish-subscribe, Transaction processing, IPC, Multithreading,
> Multiprocessing, Multiprocessor, Sockets, RPC, Real-time, High Availability,
> Non-stop/failover, Clustering, 24/7
> O/S's Programming and Administration: Linux (Redhat), UNIX, Solaris(Sparc),
> FreeBSD, Windows.
> Protocols programmed: TCP/IP, UDP/IP, NetBios, IPX, X25, HDLC, Async and
> Sync.
> Databases: Oracle, MySQL.
> Market API's: FIX 4.0/4.1/4.2, CMS, NQDS, NASDAQ Level 1, TLW, Lava Trading,
> Smart Routing, Bear Stearns ETS, S&P Comstock, Bloomberg, TrackData, FIX,
> Reuters 2000, IBES and Zacks.
> Hardware: Sun servers and desktops, Intel Linux servers, switches and
> routers, firewalls, load balancers, wireless, dialogic voice/telephone and
> all of the minor devices.
> Standard Tools: Purify, Quantify, Insure++, TotalView, Klocworks K7,
> FlexeLint,  Boost, Roguewave, Visual Source Safe, ClearCase, CVS/SubVersion,
> gcc, g++, gdb, ksh, tcpdump, make, ethereal, etc.
> Internal Technology: OS kernel optimization, driver optimization, real-time
> optimization, kernel table allocation, memory management, hash tables,
> processes scheduling, linked list, queues etc.
> High Transaction Rates: Expert domain knowledge of high performance high
> speed systems. The methods, design and coding. The mixture of applications,
> OS, hardware and network that permit 40,000 messages per second for ticker
> traffic and 3000+ messages per seconds for execution traffic. With wire
> speed or "bandwidth" and counterparty speed being the limiting factor. 
> Technologist, Lead/Senior Developer, Morgan Stanley, NY (May 2008-present)
> Quantitative Research Department. Working with the Quant team to bring
> automated trading/risk control systems to the market.  Have roles as both
> the principal systems programmer and in assisting the mathematicians with
> Computer Science.  Rewrote in-memory database system.  Optimized database
> access. Diagnosed and recoded several production locking issues. Made
> improvements in the system locking model for safety and multi-threaded
> concurrent access. Utilized Purify and Valgrind to solve memory leaks and
> data corruption issues. Utilized Quantify and Calgrind for the optimization
> of system "hot spots".  Ported the 100,000 line application from 32 bit to
> 64 bit hardware. Built and integrated group access control permission system
> into the application. Integrated icc (Intel compiler) generated modules with
> gcc generated modules. I was able to reduce compile/link times from 3 hours
> to 9 minutes. Used the static analysis tool Flexelint for code review, and
> implemented the recommendations. Rewrote scripts that distribute
> applications worldwide. Upgraded market data caching to lower latency and to
> increase throughput. Maintained the code base through the full life cycle.
> Time allocations: design/programming, 80% (my own coding);
> Support/Training/Mentoring, 15%; Project Management, 5%.
> Technologist, Lead/Senior Developer, UBS Stanford, CT (March 2006 - April
> 2008)
> A4 - Client Facing FIX Router: One and a half million message traffic per
> day (trades and executions) Role: Senior System Developer charged with
> system architecture, system stabilization, performance improvement and team
> stabilization. My code/work: removal of database operations from the crucial
> real-time path. Replaced disk io components with in-memory versions to
> improve performance. Analysis/Redesign/Implementation various threading and
> locking models for stability and throughput improvements. Replacement with
> STL and Boost of buggy hand code containers and algorithms. Profiling based
> code optimizations and the utilization better algorithms along the code
> critical path. System throughput increased 10 times, system latency reduced
> 50 percent. Utilized code review and static code analysis tools to stabilize
> the code base; the code dumps stopped. Designed and implemented a real time
> monitoring, command and control system. The System has been spun out to
> become a firm-wide initiative across all cash equities. System ported from
> Solaris to Linux. Upgraded the system from a 32 bit code base to a 64 bit
> code base for improved capacity. Rewrote static data and logging components
> to improve threading, performance and reliability.  Upgraded compilers and
> third party packages to latest versions (project was about 3 years behind
> the curve).  Reduced build time by 75 percent for increase developer
> productivity. Redesign of the run-time environment to remove NFS dependency.
> Numerous business functional updates to the FIX handlers. Production support
> and troubleshooting. Team activities: Lead the team hiring, team-wide
> troubleshooter, senior code reviewer and advisor.  Mentoring at all levels.
> System architecture advisor. System administer interface. 
> EVT (Electric Volatility Trading): EVT is the listed option market making
> department at UBS.  Rewrite of Philx protocol line handlers and message
> adaptors. They needed a senior programmer after the first two rewrites
> failed.   Time allocations: Design/programming, 65% (my own coding);
> Support/Training/Mentoring, 20%; System Administration, 5%; Project
> Management, 10%.
> Consultant, NASDAQ, Trumbull CT, (Oct 2005 - March 2006, consultant).
> The project is the "CGAR" smart routing system. I am a senior developer
> (VC++). CGAR is enabling technology which provides fault tolerant message
> transport and message adaptation across the full range of NASDAQ systems.
> After a 13 month development cycle and a few of the key player left the
> firm, I was brought into the team to assist with the product first release.
> Activities: Heavy performance enhancement and tuning (profiling, code and
> algorithms, lowering latency and improving throughput), memory leak
> elimination, locking/multithread troubleshooting and resolution, corrected
> system timer queue issues, corrected issues with callbacks of out of scope
> objects, added debugging system dumps to running code, incorporated
> insure++/VTune support, cleanup exception system, improved the robustness of
> the threading system, system acceptance debugging, system crash analyst with
> code fixes, code review with mentoring of other team members,  code rewrite
> when needed, production rollout. The system is now in production.  Time
> Allocations: Design/Programming, 70% (my own coding);
> Support/Training/Mentoring, 15%; System Administration, 5%; Project
> Management, 10%.
> Technologist, Lead/Senior Developer, Bloomberg LP, New York, NY (Sep 2003 -
> Oct 2005).
> Working in the Research/Development advanced projects team; I wrote a
> simulation and stress-testing environment to model the new market data
> presentation systems (C++). The environment has led to an increase in system
> capacity and an optimized method to govern usage limits. I researched and
> wrote the real-time alert notification system in GTK (GNOME/C). Maintained
> and streamlined the primary symbol storage interface system, used by over 60
> applications that normalize the database interface to the 6 distinct client
> symbol repositories(C//C++/Fortran). Maintained the real-time object
> oriented pricing interface and assisted in its redesign. I mentored a team
> four junior programmers. 
> Participating in a firm-wide task force of senior developers to tune the
> 1,500 programmer, 40 million LOC development environment for performance and
> resiliency. Working with the development tools group as the "programmer's
> programmer" providing guidance for third party products (Purify, Quantify,
> Insure++, TotalView, C++Test). Charged with providing third tier coding
> support/advice/review/rewrite for all code entering the daily build/rollout
> system, a continuous "pop quiz" in the use of C/C++/Fortran and the gentle
> art of user correction. Improved the in-house systems for software asset
> management and source code control. Time  Allocations: Design/Programming,
> 70% (my own coding); Support/Training/Mentoring, 20%; System Administration,
> 5%; Project Management, 5%.
> Technologist, Lead/Senior Programmer, The Centurion Group, LP New York, NY
> (Dec 2001 - Sep 2003 and 1996- 2000).
> Centurion is a hedge fund, "Black Box" trading. I wrote both front office
> and back office systems.  Designed and wrote the "quotation" system using a
> client/server method, Track Data as a vendor. Designed and wrote the
> executions system using Bear Stearns ETS. New execution interface using FIX.
> Added S&P Comstock raw feed server for a backup to the quotation system.
> Designed and wrote Risk control/reporting system. Designed and wrote
> real-time profit lost system. Designed and wrote Position Management system.
> Worked with Derivatives. Maintained daily tick-by-tick databases. Added
> Zacks and IBES for fundamental data. Administered several generations of
> hardware and networks built for real-time data. Responsible for all
> build-out of computer resources. Provisioned services and administrated the
> Sun Solaris systems. Time Allocations: Design/Programming, 70% (my own
> coding); System Administration, 20%; Project Management, 10%. Languages:
> C/C++, Perl, Java, HTML, SQL, PHP (my own coding). Techniques:
> Client/server, IPC, Object Oriented, Multithreading, Multiprocessing,
> Multiprocessor Sockets, TCP/IP, RPC, Real-time, High Availability,
> Non-stop/failover.
> Technologist, Lead/Senior Programmer, Mantle Group, L.L.C. New York, NY
> (Mar 2000 to Dec 2001).
> Mantle was a hedge fund, "Black Box" trading. I wrote both front office and
> back office systems.  My mission was to take a quant PHD from idea to
> market. Mantle acted like a NASDAQ day trading shop using an automated
> "black box" trading system. Completed build-out of infrastructure
> (furniture, wiring, power, HVAC etc.). Ticker plants using S&P Comstock raw
> feed, NASDAQ raw feed and LavaTrading data semi raw feed. Custom Executions
> systems using TLW, Lava trading and Brass. Custom built front-end systems
> taking buy/sell signals and working the order in the market. Designed and
> wrote risk control/reporting system. Designed and wrote Position Management
> system. Worked with Derivatives. Other pieces: trading screens, real-time
> P&L, real-time statistics, fail-over, reports and reconciliation.  Built,
> tested and into the market on time.  Managed and built the most critical
> systems.  Time Allocations: Design/Programming, 80% (my own coding); System
> Administration, 5%; Project Management, 15% (and mentoring). Languages:
> C/C++, Perl, HTML, SQL, PHP, Visual Basic (my own code). Techniques:
> Client/server, IPC, Object Oriented, Multithreading, Multiprocessing,
> Multiprocessor, Sockets, TCP/IP, RPC, Real-time, High Availability,
> Non-stop/failover, Clustering.
> Incubator: Yo.com, New York, NY (Jun 1999 - Mar 2000, role sponsored by
> Centurion, seed funding).
> Internet start-up. Its concept was to use collaborative filtering software
> from Net Perceptions on a ASP model, to provide expertise and share in the
> uplift of sales. My role was to assist the firm from seed funding through
> first level funding. Duties: Designer/System Administrator for UNIX, a
> clustered environment, Oracle Administrator, Database/Application Designer,
> Designer/Network Administrator, hosting center selection build-out,
> programmer, investor technical relations, client technical relations and
> dozen of other things a startup needs. Left the firm after they got their
> first level funding. Time Allocations: Design/Programming, 50% (my own
> coding); System Administration, 30%; Project Management, 20% (and
> mentoring). Languages: C/C++, Perl, HTML, SQL, PHP, Crystal Reports(my own
> code). Techniques: Client/server, IPC, Object Oriented, Multithreading,
> Multiprocessing, Multiprocessor, Sockets, TCP/IP, RPC, Real-time, Network
> Programming, High Availability, Non-stop/failover, Clustering, 24/7.
> Technologist, Lead/Senior Programmer, The Centurion Group, LP New York, NY
> (Dec 1995 - Jun 1999 and Dec 2001 - Sep 2003) 
> See above.
> Vice President of System Development (Lead/Senior Programmer), The Weston
> Group, Greenwich, CT   (Jan 1994 to Dec 1995).
> The Weston Group was a six-member hedge fund. My duties were the design,
> implementation and oversight for all production computer systems for the
> "black box" trading of a 200,000,000 dollars portfolio. Major systems
> designed and implemented: high speed quotation server, real-time analytic
> server, options evaluation, real-time portfolio risk control system,
> real-time trading screens, real-time  position management system, electronic
> order execution system (DOT), joint back offices interfaces, production
> monitoring system, database server and overnight processing. Managed and
> built the most critical systems.  Time Allocations: Design/Programming, 85%
> (my own coding); System Administration, 5%; Project Management, 10% (and
> mentoring). Languages: C/C++, FORTRAN, AWK, sed, sh. Techniques:
> Client/server, IPC, Object Oriented, Multiprocessing, Multiprocessor,
> Sockets, TCP/IP, RPC, Real-time, High Availability, Non-stop/failover.
> Executive Vice President (Lead/Senior Programmer), Xela Trading Associates
> New York, NY (Feb 1992 to Jan 1994).
> Xela was a startup company formed to be a hedge fund. My role was to take
> the analytic into the market. Designed, implemented and oversaw a complete
> "black box" trading system. Ticker plants using Track Data, execution system
> using Bear Stearns ETS. Full "Soup to Nuts" system of: trading screens,
> real-time P&L, real-time statistics, fail-over, risk control systems,
> reports and reconciliation. Time Allocations: Design/Programming, 85% (my
> own coding); System Administration, 5%; Project Management; 10% (and
> mentoring). Languages: C, Basic, AWK, sed, sh. Techniques: Client/server,
> IPC, Object Oriented, Multiprocessing, Multiprocessor, Sockets, TCP/IP, RPC,
> Real-time, High Availability, Non-stop/failover.
> Director of New Technology Development (Programmer for new projects), Track
> Data Corp., Brooklyn, NY   (Nov 1987 to Feb 1992).
> Track Data is a worldwide-consolidated ticker provider. My first project
> with Track Data was to design and implement TrackMux, a low cost
> communications multiplexer used to provide fault tolerant communications to
> 3000 clients. The TrackMux software is run on an IBM/PC with up to four
> 80186 programmable co-process communications cards, TrackMux provides dual
> line HDLC/SYNC backbone, 30 ports 38.4kb ASYNC, TCP/IP, NETBIOS/IPX,
> automatic failure detection, failure reporting and remote reconfiguration, A
> forerunner of today's network hardware. Integrated TrackMux protocols with
> Track/MX product and Track's DG host computers. Oversaw Track's move from
> ASYNC to LAN based client wiring. Ported TrackData MX product from DOS to
> UNIX on SUN/next/DG-Avion (about 500,000 lines of code, with 30,000 lines
> additional needed for the GUI and system calls). Designed and implemented
> TrackData API real-time client information retrieval system. Integrated a
> portable demonstration system for sales. Technical sales support/client side
> troubleshooting. Supervised Track Data UNIX department.  Awards earned:
> Employee of the month 3 times and Employee of the year once. Time
> Allocations: Design/Programming, 90% (my own coding); System Administration,
> 5%; Project Management, 5% (and mentoring). Languages: C, Basic, AWK, sed,
> sh. Techniques: Client/server, IPC, Multiprocessing, Multiprocessor,
> Sockets, TCP/IP, RPC, Real-time, High Availability, Non-stop/failover.
> Systems Programmer, Kidder Peabody & Company, New York, NY   (Sep 1985 - Nov
> 1987).
> Kidder Peabody was one of the top tier brokerage firms on Wall Street.
> Proprietary trading, analytic and equity trading floor hired as a Systems
> Programmer.
> Responsible for "black box" computerized equity trading using the firm's
> capital. Brought in to program a high-speed quote retrieval system to permit
> the computerized traders (SUN based) access to real-time market information.
> Other projects: SUN to DEC/VAX interfaces for historical and fundamental
> databases, managed tick-by-tick databases, assisted in the market execution
> system, system administrator for the Suns, hardware purchasing and day to
> day activities to keep traders in the market.
> Brokerware Division trained as a Tandem System Programmer.
> Brokerware was a retail broker support group providing research and
> development in computer services for Kidder Peabody & Company. My duties
> were to take a Tandem sponsored internal operating system programming course
> and become the junior system programmer for the division. Projects
> accomplished: Optimized universal terminal support language and drivers,
> Tandem to IBM mainframe 3270/CICS terminal interface, Tandem to IBM
> mainframe RJE interface, brokerage Database's in COBOL, real-time market
> data into the Tandem.
> 1985 - Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York 
> Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
> Minor in Business Computer Systems and Minor in Finance, Banking and
> Investment.
> FINRA (NASD) Series 7 - General Securities Representative
> FINRA (NASD) Series 63 - Uniform Securities Act
> FINRA (NASD) Series 55 - Registered Equity Trader
> U.S. Merchant Marine Officer (Captain License), Expiration October 2012, 50
> gross Tons with towing and sailing endorsement. 
> Available upon request         
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Herb Parsons
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 5:37 PM
> To: The Rhodes 22 Email List
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] New Topic - question for John L, Michael M,
> Slim, et al. (not political)(music or sound question)
> Michale,
> Do you do IT work for a living?
> michael meltzer wrote:
>> Well ed, when I typed "convert wav to mp3 free" into Google this is what I
>> got back.
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=convert+wav+to+mp3+free&aq=2&oq=convert
>> +wav+to+mp3
>> and in my most "mocking" voice, you should really lean to check the
>> archives(search engines) first :-)
>> The second question is simple, I am the latest victim of wall street,
>> "trying to work bill/obama in but no ideas come to mind", but got laid off
>> last week right before thanksgiving and my birthday.................... So
>> working from home.
>> -mjm
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org
>> [mailto:rhodes22-list-bounces at rhodes22.org] On Behalf Of Tootle
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 3:28 PM
>> To: rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
>> Subject: [Rhodes22-list] New Topic - question for John L, Michael M, Slim,
>> et al. (not political)(music or sound question)
>> I use the xp operating system and ms software.  I can record wav files
> with
>> a mic.  How can I record mp3 files?  How can I convert wav to mp3.  The
> wav
>> recorder in ms only allows one minute.  How can I record up to or more
> than
>> three minutes.
>> Gee, why is Michael M around?  It is good to have him back.
>> Ed K
>> Addendum: "At the descriptive level, certainly, you would expect different
>> cultures to develop different sorts of ethics and obviously they have;
> that
>> doesn't mean that you can't think of overarching ethical principles you
>> would want people to follow in all kinds of places." Peter Singer

Herb Parsons

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