[Rhodes22-list] Weekend reading, not sailing, some might call it political, just educational

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 11:47:31 EST 2008


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Robert Skinner
<Robert at squirrelhaven.com> wrote:
> And now Bush plans to once again betray
> Republicans and Democrats alike by giving
> the auto triple clowns a bailout, even as
> the UAW stonewalls the country in an
> attempt to cash in on the financial fall.
> Disgusting!
> /Robert
> Brad Haslett wrote:
>> Ed,
>> Never have I been so proud of a politician from Tennessee as I am of
>> Senator Corker for killing the Detroit bailout.  His "unreasonable"
>> demand was that the UAW accept US based Toyota/Nissan/Honda wages in
>> 2009 and not in 2011.  How unreasonable was that?  In reality, that's
>> just the tip of the iceberg.  The devil is always in the details - the
>> meat of the problem is in work rules and benefits.  But, the UAW
>> wouldn't budge on the simplest of compromises.  Let the  Big Three
>> follow the path of the passenger airlines - Chapter 11.
>> Cheney & Bush, et al, are dead wrong on this issue.  Who cares if
>> they're perceived as the Hoover 2 administration.  Steyn is correct,
>> it was Hoover and FDR's policies that prolonged the recovery from the
>> 1929 crash (read Amity Shlaes "The Forgotten Man").
>> Paul Volcker said back in the 70's, "you can't legislate away the
>> business cycle" (and my economics prof. in grad school repeated it
>> every class).  Hey, isn't Volker coming back into power?  If we don't
>> keep a close eye on this, the incoming administration will use the
>> current cycle as an excuse to shove more socialism down our throats,
>> or up our arses. Thank goodness for people like Senator Corker.  Now
>> the MSM is calling him "far right wing".  BS, having common sense is a
>> more appropriate description.
>> Brad
>> On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 7:35 AM, Tootle <ekroposki at charter.net> wrote:
>>> I get all sorts of emails, this web site was contained in one:
>>> http://www.alipac.us/article3815.html
>>> And some so called political rhetoric:  "Let's switch gears here for a
>>> second. Apparently Dick Cheney, in a closed door Senate GOP lunch on
>>> Wednesday, warned the GOP, quote, that it will be Herbert Hoover time if aid
>>> to the industry was rejected for the bailout of the big three. This is
>>> exactly the same kind of stuff that they were saying about the bank bailout,
>>> but now they're saying it about GM. What do you think about what's going on
>>> right now,?' [Glen Beck]
>>> Reply to question: "Well, I think there's no end to this bailout. It's
>>> bailout without end. We need to find a way to bailout from the bailout and
>>> actually, with respect to Dick Cheney, I think he's got it actually wrong
>>> here. You know, it's very interesting to me, speaking as a foreigner, but
>>> the Americans always talk about the great depression. In other countries,
>>> they talk about it as a depression. It started in 1929, the worst was over
>>> in three or four years. What prolonged it in the United States was both
>>> Herbert Hoover and FDR over in overinterfering in the economy to impede
>>> recovery. That's why it's a great depression in the United States and it's
>>> just a depression everywhere else." Mark Steyn
>>> Ed K
>>> addendum:  "Sextant: an entertaining, albeit expensive, device, which,
>>> together with a good atlas, is of use in introducing the boatman to many
>>> interesting areas on the earth's surface which he and his craft are not
>>> within 1,000 nautical miles of." Beard and McKie
>>> --
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