[Rhodes22-list] Politics: Barack the Magic Negro

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 16:10:32 EST 2008


Let's not forget this bit of silliness -


Somehow, I don't this is what Dr. King fought for.


On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Herb Parsons <hparsons at parsonsys.com> wrote:
> Ben,
> There was absolutely no racial insult. The parody was ABOUT the racial
> issues being bandied about at the time (early 2007).
> David Ehrenstein wrote an editorial in published in the  LA times about
> Obama being the "magic negro" back in March of 2007.
> http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-ehrenstein19mar19,0,5335087.story?coll=la-opinion-center
> Shortly before that, in February of 2007, Senator Joe Biden called Obama
> the "first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and
> clean and a nice-looking guy". I would hazard to say that the statement
> was not offensive enough to keep them from becoming running mates.
> Also in March of 2007, Al Sharpton became increasingly critical of
> Obama. You can read this story as just a sample of many similar stories
> of the time:
> http://www.suntimes.com/news/elections/294494,CST-NWS-obama13.article
> Finally, in March of 2007, Paul Shanklin wrote a parody song to the tune
> of Puff the Magic Dragon.
> The upshot of the aforementioned "Magic Negro" article was that the main
> reason whites are supporting Obama was because of their white guilt, and
> that we choose the likes of Obama because it "replaces stereotypes of a
> dangerous, highly sexualized black man with a benign figure for whom
> interracial sexual congress holds no interest."
> If you will read the article, you'll find that THAT is where the racist
> comments lie, not in the parody. I doubt you'll bother, because it's so
> much more ... fun... to throw "racist" accusations at the right than it
> is to such noble entities as the LA Times.
> But, I digress.
> So, this ridiculous article came out. Coupled with Biden's ridiculous
> comments about Obama, and Sharpton's much-lauded (by both the right and
> the left) frustration with the usurper Obama; someone felt a parody was
> in order. I might add that even the aforementioned article talks about
> Biden and Sharpton:
> =====
> "The only mud that momentarily stuck was criticism (white and black
> alike) concerning Obama's alleged "inauthenticty," as compared to such
> sterling examples of "genuine" blackness as Al Sharpton and Snoop Dogg."
> --
> and
> --
> "Obama's fame right now has little to do with his political record or
> what he's written in his two (count 'em) books, or even what he's
> actually said in those stem-winders. It's the way he's said it that
> counts the most. It's his manner, which, as presidential hopeful Sen.
> Joe Biden ham-fistedly reminded us, is "articulate." His tone is always
> genial, his voice warm and unthreatening, and he hasn't called his
> opponents names (despite being baited by the media)."
> =====
> So, the parody was written. And, of course, idiots choose to call the
> parody racist while ignoring the original article.
> Of course, we can't talk about the racism of the original article, can
> we? Why not? Why, because the author is black of course.
> So, with all that in mind, I challenge you to find the "offensive racial
> insults" in these words. I doubt that you will even try. Instead, you'll
> throw out ridiculous "racist" accusations with no foundation. Maybe the
> author of the words should heed YOUR advice about libel lawsuits...:
> =====
> Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
> The L.A. Times, they called him that
> 'Cause he's not authentic like me.
> Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper
> Said he makes guilty whites feel good
> They'll vote for him, and not for me
> 'Cause he's not from the hood.
> See, real black men, like Snoop Dog,
> Or me, or Farrakhan
> Have talked the talk, and walked the walk.
> Not come in late and won!
> Refrain:
> Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
> The L.A. Times, they called him that
> 'Cause he's black, but not authentically.
> (repeat Refrain)
> Some say Barack's "articulate"
> And bright and new and "clean"
> The media sure loves this guy,
> A white interloper's dream!
> But, when you vote for president,
> Watch out, and don't be fooled!
> Don't vote the Magic Negro in
> 'Cause... (music stops, Sharpton rants, music returns)
> Benjamin Cittadino wrote:
>> Rummy;
>> I want you to know that I hope you will reconsider your participation in the
>> list. I have found your contributions to be witty, intelligent and humorous;
>> I believe your sailing and boat knowledge would also be a real loss. Give
>> some thought to limiting your posts to sailing and humor if the political
>> stuff gets you down. I understand your objection to Bill's post though and
>> respect your drawing the line you have chosen. Despite the cries of
>> hypocrisy, I am quite certain everybody knows the difference between
>> offensive racial insults, and calling a witless politician a moron. All
>> insults are not morally equivalent and I believe it is disingenuous to
>> pretend otherwise.
>> I have resolved to quit the political and ideological debate as well.
>> And so, in the words of the French Herald at the conclusion of the Battle of
>> Agincourt (Henry V), "The day is yours", King William. But remember, "All
>> glory is fleeting".
>> Rummy, the openness and generosity of list members on the sailing topics is
>> a credit to the people who participate. So please stick around.
>> Ben C.
>> R22RumRunner wrote:
>>> Bill and Brad,
>>> There is nothing funny about the direction this list has gone. I'm signing
>>> off....permanently. She's all yours boys.
>>> Rummy
>>> In a message dated 12/28/2008 9:38:11 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>>> bill at effros.com writes:
>>> It's  actually an Al Sharpton parody, but the lefties who thought nothing
>>> of  calling Bush a moron, or Palin a dunce, have remarkably thin skins
>>> when  anyone mentions that Barack is a Negro.
>>> "What goes round, comes  round."
>>> Or, as we used to say,
>>> "Repayment in kind."
>>> Bill  Effros
>>> Brad Haslett wrote:
>>>> Bill,
>>>> How  funny, I almost sent that this morning.  One of the candidates  for
>>>> the RNC Chairmanship (from Tennessee) got in hot water for
>>>>  distributing that video with the PC police.  My guy is Michael  Steele,
>>>> who probably thinks it's funny.  What a  hoot!
>>>> Brad
>>>> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 8:09 AM,  Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>>>>>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvXz2xaLNMQ
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> --
> Herb Parsons
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