[Rhodes22-list] hit delete: it's ss on his box

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 12:00:45 EST 2008


You piss me off when you make sense, I'm trying my best not to like you!

Guns v Butter

1 - Hurricanes suck, but mostly they blow.  When they blow they move huge
volumes of water inland. If you like living close to the coast where the
view is nice, accept the risk and pay for it with your own nickel.
Likewise, if you like living near the river in the floodplain, accept the
risks.  If you live six feet BELOW the river, you're nuts to begin, with but
if the river kicked your ass and moved it, stay moved! Where you live is a
choice - don't blame other people for it!

2 - Everyone benefits from a good education. My father only went to the
eight grade in a one room schoolhouse, but, he paid attention, didn't do
drugs, worked his ass off, and can probably outscore you today at the Senior
level of college in writing skills and basic math.  You are owed nothing.
Education is free in this country through High School and there are plenty
of employers who will pay your way through college.  Quit whining!  It isn't
that difficult to get an advanced education in this country and if that
isn't your 'cup of tea', good car mechanics make six figures.  They will
train you, but if you continue to engage in the same behavior that kept you
from graduating from HS, they'll fire your ass.

3 - Most people fall on hard times at some point in their life.  Hopefully,
you have a supportive family that can get you back on your feet.  If you
don't, don't despair.  There are plenty of good hearted people in this
country who will gladly help you.  Some attend churches, some synagogues,
and some mosques. Some don't believe in any of the above but they still
don't like to see people suffer and will help you provided you want to help
yourself. You may have to listen to whatever their 'spiel' is but, that is a
small price to pay.  The government (meaning everyone else) didn't conceive
you and YOU are primarily responsible for YOU.  Be thankful to be alive.

4 - In ten thousand years of recorded history there has never been a period
where someone, somewhere in the world, wasn't trying to subdue some other
people, region, ethnic group, etc.  This is unfortunate but true.  The
United States doesn't engage in wars to conquer land but has in the past
claimed just enough foreign land to bury their dead.  There are US soldiers
buried on foreign soil who never grew old enough to worry about their
education.  Bitch about your government, get involved and change it, but
don't disrespect the men and women who wear a uniform in the Armed Forces.
They don't make policy!

5 - Charity starts at home!  If your parents are still living, make life
easier for them, even if you're five years old.  If you're fifty, you are
not off the hook!  If you have children, be responsible and be a parent.
Part of being a parent is accepting your own failures and not teaching your
children that their lot in life (or yours) is because of their skin color,
their religion, their ethnic background, etc.  For every slight you can find
for your group, I can point out someone from that same group who overcame
the hurdles.

6 - Be happy!  Someone, somewhere, will have more money than Bill Gates
someday.  It won't be you.  If you want more, go get it.  If you need more,
see 1 thru 5. Two seconds after both you and Bill Gates dies, you and he
will have the same net worth.


On Feb 13, 2008 10:00 AM, stan <stan at rhodes22.com> wrote:

> Your are correct in not wanting to play the blame game - let's stick to
> the
> save the game play
> This is the one re wars:
>    Make it a constitutional amendment that to protect us from trigger
> happy
> leaders, wars cannot be started or engaged in without a formal declaration
> of war which in turn triggers an automatic initiation of a stand by draft
> law which in turn triggers and an automatic increasing (not decreasing) of
> taxes to pay for it.   Make it a crime by firing squad for any leader who
> promises guns and butter at the same time and who tries to go to war
> without
> doing everything this country can possibly do to win it.  It should be
> axiomatic that if a war is worth engaging in then it should be worth
> winning
> and the whole country should go to war to win it as fast as possible.
> (This
> one is already longer than the big one and counting.)
>    If the war issue it is not worth giving up the party at home (or
> alternately only worth sacrificing volunteers), it is simply not enough of
> an issue to go to war for in the first place.   For the life of me I don't
> understand why we have not learned this simple truth by now.
> ss
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Herb Parsons" <hparsons at parsonsys.com>
> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 2:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics - chicken
> > Stan, believe it or not, much of what you say I agree with (while some I
> > still disagree with), but that dodges the original question.
> >
> > The things you're talking about are NOT caused by the "current
> > occupant", with the possible exception of the Iraq war, and even that I
> > will take issue on putting it out there as "Bush's war". It would have
> > been Clinton's war, had he done HIS job. We should not sign cease-fire
> > agreements that we're not willing to enforce. Either surrender, or do
> > what we say we're going to do.
> >
> > stan wrote:
> >> Wish someone asked me
> >>
> >> Got to run so this will be quick:
> >>
> >> Stop the world (or at least the US) and take a deep breath
> >>
> >> Stop the bleeding - this means the dumbest war we ever got involved in.
> >>
> >> Stop terrorism by stopping its funding:  oil and drugs
> >>
> >>     stopping drugs is easy - make it legal
> >>
> >>     stopping oil is a bit harder since people will say it costs more
> for
> >> alternate energy -  but that misses the point.  The money spent gets
> >> spent
> >> here so what if it costs more.   In the long run it costs less anyway,
> >> since
> >> fighting terrorism, as we are prone to try to do it, is a lot more
> costly
> >> than the energy costs differential.
> >>
> >>     By alternate energy I mean atomic, coal, ethanol, and a government
> >> money
> >> sponsored "man on the moon type program" to see if hydrogen and fuel
> >> cells
> >> have real promise.  Who cares what all this costs as long as that money
> >> is
> >> spent in the US.    We have so much oil in this country and surrounds
> we
> >> could then be an oil exporter and clean up financially.
> >>
> >>     Do away with all corporate taxes - a corporation is not a person
> and
> >> just passes that cost along in a negative manner.  Do away with all
> taxes
> >> of
> >> every sort except the income tax and make that simple and progressive.
> >> (Do
> >> you know how inefficient having secondary tax collection departments
> are
> >> like tolls and sales taxes)   In fact, at the risk of having Ed hoist
> the
> >> hammer and sickle over my head, I would propose that, since this is a
> >> capitalistic country, we put the government in a capitalistic
> businesses
> >> that makes money so we could even do away with the IRS.  What
> businesses
> >> could the US government own:  Oil, maybe transportation, medical
> >> products -
> >> give it some thought, even those who are blinded by words like
> socialism
> >> can
> >> come up with certain industries the government can run and make money
> on
> >> while having congress as the board of directors and the citizens as
> >> stockholders and no income taxes as dividends.  Keep one tax,  the
> >> inheritance tax (there is no such thing as a death tax) because if you
> do
> >> not you will eventually loose your beloved democracy and end up with a
> >> new
> >> form of rule by royalty and Brad will have one more things to shed
> tears
> >> over when he hears this new royalty's altered national melody and
> words.
> >>
> >>     Take the money and the time out of campaigning.    Smart rules can
> do
> >> it.  Everytime we feel it can't get more indecent, the following
> election
> >> again ups all antes until only the mob or the few inheritors of our
> >> collective wealth will be able to throw their crown into the ring -
> which
> >> by
> >> then will be just a tradition anyway.
> >>
> >>     Stop patch work cures like solving the current economic view with
> >> this
> >> plan that will end up giving China tons more of our money.  Take the
> >> current
> >> handout and do something like sponsor an intermediate energy step like
> >> financing one 85% ethanol pump in all stations fanning out from some
> auto
> >> building center so that that company can turn out the same cars in the
> US
> >> that it now sells to Brazil.   It will create more jobs, stop money
> from
> >> leaving the country in oil purchasing, maybe save our
> >> about-to-move-into-second place auto industry and, as it catches on (as
> >> proven by Brazil), be self expanding - It hardly matters what the
> project
> >> chosen (Huckabee suggested I-95 expansion) - just do it here and spend
> it
> >> here and create jobs here.
> >>
> >>     Stop the immigration nonsense.  We need these workers.  I can write
> a
> >> complete paper on this issue.  For now I can tell you that if you get
> rid
> >> of
> >> them you will get rid of what little manufacturing is left in this
> >> country.
> >> I can't believe we are not smart enough to solve this problem in a
> >> productive way.
> >>
> >>     Wake up to the fact that your body is a holistic machine.  Get the
> >> drug
> >> company influence off the backs of medical science and start the
> emphasis
> >> on
> >> preventative medicine.  In my opinion the reason the folks who try to
> get
> >> a
> >> job at GB have trouble using their brain is due to nutrition - they
> have
> >> no
> >> idea that what goes into their body is even more important than making
> >> the
> >> effort to see that they put the right stuff into their car.   Start a
> >> preventative medicine program starting with pregnant mothers who smoke
> >> (since most of you believe life starts when a sperm finds its mark) and
> >> if
> >> they refuse, authorize the gun association to kill them so this
> lobbying
> >> group would then have a worthwhile purpose by helping start the
> beginning
> >> of
> >> the ending or our endless expansion of our medical welfare costs..
> >>
> >>     sorry, just getting started but am off to see the Wizard.
> >>
> >> Brad, I know you asked Robert, but this will teach you to give me even
> a
> >> second hand opening.
> >>
> >> ss/ec/gbi
> >>
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Brad Haslett" <flybrad at gmail.com>
> >> To: "The Rhodes 22 mail list" <rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org>
> >> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 11:20 AM
> >> Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Politics - chicken
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>> Robert,
> >>>
> >>> Here's what Herb said, again, "So, how about producing some real
> >>> concrete
> >>> facts, or just admitting that it's just your left-wing propaganda".
> >>>
> >>> I don't neatly fit the label "right-wing" as Slim would like to
> believe
> >>> nor
> >>> do I think you fit into a "left-wing" label. What specific things
> would
> >>> you
> >>> like to see changed and how do you personally wish them to be changed.
> >>>
> >>> Please refrain from Obama style, "Change we can believe in", "Hope",
> and
> >>> other fluff, non-content positions, and faith-based statements.
> >>>
> >>> What specifically do you want the next President to reverse?  Provide
> >>> detail, please.
> >>>
> >>> Brad
> >>>
> >>> On Feb 12, 2008 9:35 AM, Robert Skinner <robert at squirrelhaven.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Herb Parsons wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> ...
> >>>>> What you REALLY have is a deep resentment that in spite of what you
> >>>>> see
> >>>>> as a dangerous man, you couldn't muster the wherewithall to defeat
> >>>>> him.
> >>>>> So, how about producing some real concrete facts, or just admitting
> >>>>> that
> >>>>> it's just your left-wing propaganda.
> >>>>>
> >>>> Herb -
> >>>>
> >>>> Bush has been very happy to risk the country over
> >>>> and over again in the political equivalent of a
> >>>> teenager's game of chicken.  Time after time, he
> >>>> has shown himself willing to destroy our economy
> >>>> if he doesn't get his way.  Now he is succeeding,
> >>>> despite some YouTube propaganda.
> >>>>
> >>>> What the Democrats have is a collection of
> >>>> congressmen and senators who decided to put the
> >>>> country's needs ahead of their own preferences.
> >>>> In the process, they allowed many things to
> >>>> become law that are repugnant to a civilized
> >>>> people.  (Yes, torture is uncivilized!)
> >>>>
> >>>> They have witnessed, accepted, and presided over
> >>>> the trashing of the social contract embodied in
> >>>> our constitution and bill of rights, voiding the
> >>>> mandate that put them in office.
> >>>>
> >>>> This willingness to back down in the face of
> >>>> superior bullheadedness and corporate bribes has
> >>>> fueled youth's disgust with "establishment"
> >>>> lawmakers of every stripe.
> >>>>
> >>>> What a revolting development!  The people who
> >>>> will put the older generation into retirement
> >>>> homes (read: jails for the unproductive) are
> >>>> making themselves heard and seen.
> >>>>
> >>>> To paraphrase that reprehensible mayor of
> >>>> Washington, DC:  "Get used to it, oldster."
> >>>>
> >>>> /Robert (a young oldster)
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> >>
> >> __________________________________________________
> >> Use Rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org, Help? www.rhodes22.org/list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Herb Parsons
> > S/V O'Jure - O'Day 25
> > S/V Reve de Pappa - Coronado 35
> >
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