[Rhodes22-list] Brad's 25 minute demonstration of true evil [political]

Tootle ekroposki at charter.net
Sat Jul 19 08:56:23 EDT 2008


I watched the whole 25 minutes of Obama's speech.  All I could think of was
Elmer Gantry, Jim Baker and kindred apostles.  Here is a guy who neither
understands history nor economics nor human nature if he believes what he
said, and I think that he does.

And for all his acolytes on this forum, and the one ostrich from Chicago
this is a real failure to distinguish this rhetoric from what was recorded
from the USA’s founding fathers in the written documents and supporting
discussions on the reasons for founding America.  

Socialism and its new cloak ‘progressive secularist’ has been demonstrated
to be a system that fails humanity.  Examples of current European countries
using socialist programs are proffered as reasons why America should adopt
same.  However, which system has created the greatest advancements for human
kind?  Which country has the greatest wealth to give to charitable causes? 
It is not Greece, France, Italy and other socialist systems.  

Obama’s speech demonstrated the most incredible lack of understanding of
economics.   And the gullible just eat this up.  Obama and his followers and
cohorts such as Nancy do not have a basic understanding of what economics
calls wealth, understanding its creation and the human spirit.  

Your comments are apparently understood by a small number on this forum. 
Obama has repeatedly stated he is a progressive.  There is a failure to
understand that his word ‘progressive’ is really contemporary language for
Marxism which is in old language communism, fascism, social democracy, etc.,
etc.  And those systems have led to human misery and worse. Read the results
of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, the Soviet Union, post WWII Greece, etc.  

How many take time to understand who Obama is?  Thomas Sowell illustrates
that in the following article:

July 08, 2008 
Conservatives for Obama?
By Thomas Sowell

A number of friends of mine have commented on an odd phenomenon that they
have observed-- conservative Republicans they know who are saying that they
are going to vote for Barack Obama. It seemed at first to be an isolated
fluke, perhaps signifying only that my friends know some strange
conservatives. But apparently columnist Robert Novak has encountered the
same phenomenon and has coined the term "Obamacons" to describe the
conservatives for Senator Obama.

Now the San Francisco Chronicle has run a feature article, titled "Some
Influential Conservatives Spurn GOP and Endorse Obama." In it they quote
various conservatives on why they are ready to take a chance on Barack
Obama, rather than on John McCain.

 What is going on? 

Partly what is going on is that, in recent years, the Congressional
Republicans in general-- and Senator John McCain in particular-- have so
alienated so many conservatives that some of these conservatives are like a
drowning man grasping at a straw.

The straw in this case is Obama's recent "refining" of his position on a
number of issues, as he edges toward the center, in order to try to pick up
more votes in November's general election.

Understandable as the reactions of some conservatives may be, a straw is a
very unreliable flotation device. 

If all that was involved was Democrats versus Republicans, the Republicans
would deserve the condemnation they are getting, after their years of wild
spending and their multiple betrayals of the principles and the people who
got them elected. Amnesty for illegal aliens was perhaps the worst betrayal.

But, while the media may treat the elections as being about Democrats and
Republicans-- the "horse race" approach-- elections were not set up by the
Constitution of the United States in order to enable party politicians to
get jobs.

Nor were elections set up in order to enable voters to vent their emotions
or indulge their fantasies. 

Voting is a right but it is also a duty-- a duty not just to show up on
election day, but a duty to give serious thought to the alternatives on the
table and what those alternatives mean for the future of the nation.

What is becoming ever more painfully apparent is that too many people this
year-- whether conservative, liberals or whatever-- are all too willing to
judge Barack Obama on the basis of his election-year rhetoric, rather than
on the record of what he has advocated and done during the past two decades.

Many are for him for no more serious reasons than his mouth and his
complexion. The man has become a Rorschach test for the feelings and hopes,
not only of those on the left, but also for some on the right as well.

Here is a man who has consistently aided and abetted people who have openly
expressed their contempt for this country, both in words and in such deeds
as planting bombs to advance their left-wing agenda.

Despite the spin that judging Obama by what was said or done by such people
would be "guilt by association," he has not just associated with such
people. He has in some cases donated some serious money of his own and even
more of the taxpayers' money, as both a state senator in Illinois and a
member of the Senate of the United States. 

Barack Obama is on record as favoring the kinds of justices who make policy,
not just carry out laws. No matter how he may "refine" his position on this
issue, he voted against the confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts, who
was easily confirmed by more than three-quarters of the Senators. 

Like people on the far left for literally centuries, Barack Obama plays down
the dangers to the nation, and calls talk about such dangers "the politics
of fear."

Back in the 18th century, Helvetius said, "When I speak I put on a mask.
When I act, I am forced to take it off." Too many voters still have not
learned that lesson. They need to look at the track record of Obama's

Back in the days of "The Lone Ranger" program, someone would ask, "Who is
that masked man?" People need to start asking that question about Barack

Ed K
Greenville, SC, USA
attachment:   http://www.nabble.com/file/p18544314/Axis%2Bof%2BEvil.jpg

Boys and Girls, I know this is a lot to ask, but listen between minute 16
and 17-


Does this not scare the living shit out of you, or are you made of steel?
Civilian Corps? What color shirts will they wear?  O'Baby, do you think the
rest of the country is as f*&k^d as the South Side of Chicago?  Folks, we're
4 months away from this kind of talk being the norm!

God Save the Queen!


http://www.nabble.com/file/p18544314/Axis%2Bof%2BEvil.jpg Axis+of+Evil.jpg 
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