[Rhodes22-list] Bill Effros, regarding Obama (Big Al Delete, contains Politics)

Bill Effros bill at effros.com
Thu May 29 11:32:11 EDT 2008


Obama is far more likely to wind up in the jail house than in the white 
house.  Both of the other two know this, and I, also, could live with 
either one of them.

His candidacy exposes hypocrisy for what it is.  It is hard to think of 
any way for Democrats to not sweep into power.  There is as much danger 
from both the legislative and executive branches of government 
controlled by Democrats as there is when controlled by Republicans.

Left wing nutbars are no better than right wing nutbars.

Obama's candidacy was over-reaching by the left.

I expect Hillary will win the Presidency, but we won't have to worry 
that she will feel beholden to the extreme left wing of her party.  Many 
congressional Democrats will be indistinguishable from the Republicans 
they replace.  It will be a difficult time, but a time in which 
government will be capable of functioning.

She is bright, honest, tough, disciplined, and experienced.  She is not 
only the most qualified female candidate, she is also the most qualified 
candidate.  I think she will be an excellent President, and I think she 
will bring the woman's quality of "consensus" to the job, which will be 
valued by most people.

She has run a brilliant "soap opera" of a campaign which will energize 
the female portion of the electorate, while enlisting the support of 
many who otherwise would have been fighting her at this point.  If she 
had "coasted" into the Presidency should would not have the support she 
has now.

Obama is fatally flawed by the fact that his campaign was financed by 
extortion, and the Feds are on to him and his crew.  They had no choice 
but to try to tough it out, hoping he would fire the Federal Prosecutor 
after the Republicans proved unable to do so.

It's too late.  Almost all of his principal backers have admitted to 
political corruption and campaign finance fraud.  According to Federal 
Law, a candidate is guilty of campaign finance fraud if his campaign is 
financed by fraud--whether he knows how it was done, or not.  Whether he 
knows the individuals involved, or not.

The current round of trials in Chicago are concerned with Mr. Obama's 
Senate Campaigns both in Illinois and for the US Senate.  They were 
illegally financed--a federal crime.  The money was spent.  Obama 
returned none of it.  Both Barack and Michelle accepted kickbacks.  (The 
Feds have tapes, taps, wires, bank records, and the confessions of 
co-conspirators.)  The Obamas did favors for the people who paid them off.

The Prosecutor is smart.  He's the guy who got Scooter Libby.  He 
doesn't charge "conspiracies" which are hard to prove.  He goes after 
individuals for illegal acts, and then gets the co-operation of one 
guilty party to get the next, in return for reduced sentences which 
reduce down to the 5 to 10 years in jail level.

So far he's put more than 80 people in jail including the previous 
governor of Illinois.  Next he's likely to go after the current 
Governor, and then Obama.  (A huge amount of money was extorted for the 
Governor's Presidential Campaign.  I wonder where that money went?)

Thanks for obit.  Best one I've seen, too.


Brad Haslett wrote:
> Bill,
> Oh what the hell, as long as we're on the subject of race - I read this
> obituary for Mildred Loving in the Economist on the way over the pond, the
> best yet I've seen published.
> http://www.economist.com/obituary/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11367685&fsrc=RSS
> This is an excerpt from a blogspot I first posted shortly after Katrina that
> sums it up well -
> Now please pay attention to this, because I�m not going to state it again,
> and if you don�t hear it now much mischief will follow:
> I believe that the human animal � the raw material of our physical bodies �
> is essentially interchangeable. By this I mean that I could take the
> children of Fallujah and turn them all into Astronauts, convert Jewish
> babies into fanatical, mass-murdering SS guards, and shake a generation of
> the poorest Voodoo-worshippers in Haiti into a cadre of top-flight nuclear
> physicists, chemical engineers and computer scientists.
> Race has *nothing* to do with this � precisely nothing. The mobs of
> murdering Hutus and swarms of slaughtering Serbs are as different racially
> as it is possible to be, and they are cut from precisely the same cloth.
> I know this is so because there have been murdering scumbags of every stripe
> and color in the long history of the human race � *which is depressing* �
> and that these animals, at any given time, represent only a small percentage
> of the majority of people, also of every stripe and color � *which is not*.
> There is no corner on virtue, and no outpost of depravity. Human hearts are
> indistinguishable and interchangeable. Anyone who claims otherwise is,
> without further argument or statements necessary, a complete God-damned
> idiot.
> Now, with that said � *have we all heard that loud and clear?* � there are
> light-years of difference in how various Tribes will behave.
> Only a few minutes ago, I had the delightful opportunity to read the comment
> of a fellow who said he wished that white, middle-class, racist,
> conservative cocksuckers like myself could have been herded into the
> Superdome Concentration Camp to see how much *we* like it. Absent, of
> course, was the fundamental truth of what he plainly does not have the eyes
> or the imagination to see, namely, that if the Superdome *had* been filled
> with white, middle-class, racist, conservative cocksuckers like myself, it
> would not have been a refinery of horror, but rather a citadel of hope and
> order and restraint and compassion.
> That has nothing to do with me being white. If the blacks and Hispanics and
> Jews and gays that I work with and associate with were there with me, it
> would have been that much better. That�s because the people I associate with
> � *my *Tribe � consists not of blacks and whites and gays and Hispanics and
> Asians, but of *individuals* who *do not rape, murder, or steal.* My Tribe
> consists of people who know that sometimes bad things happen, and that these
> instances are opportunities to show ourselves what we are made of. My people
> go *into* burning buildings. My Tribe consists of organizers and
> self-starters, proud and self-reliant people who do not need to be told what
> to do in a crisis. My Tribe is not fearless; they are something better. They
> are *courageous.* My Tribe is honorable, and decent, and kind, and
> inventive. My Tribe knows how to give orders, and how to follow them. My
> Tribe knows enough about how the world works to figure out ways to boil
> water, ration food, repair structures, build and maintain makeshift
> latrines, and care for the wounded and the dead with respect and compassion.
> There are some things my Tribe is not good at at all. My Tribe doesn�t make
> excuses. My Tribe will analyze failure and assign blame, but that is to make
> sure that we do better next time, and we never, *ever *waste valuable energy
> and time doing so while people are still in danger. My Tribe says, and in
> their heart completely believes that *it�s the other guy that�s the
> hero.*My Tribe does not believe that a single Man can cause, prevent
> or steer
> Hurricanes, and my Tribe does not and has never made someone else
> responsible for their own safety, and that of their loved ones.
> My Tribe doesn�t fire on people risking their lives, coming to help us. My
> Tribe doesn�t curse such people because they arrived on Day Four, when we
> felt they should have been here before breakfast on Day One. We are
> grateful, not to say *indebted*, that they have come at all. My Tribe can�t
> eat *Nike*�s and we don�t know how to feed seven by boiling a wide-screen
> TV. My Tribe doesn�t give a sweet God Damn about what color the looters are,
> or what color the rescuers are, because we can plainly see before our very
> eyes that both those Tribes have colors enough to cover everyone in glory or
> in shame. My Tribe doesn�t see black and white skins. My Tribe only sees
> black and white *hats*, and the hat we choose to wear is the most personal
> decision we can make.
> That�s the other thing, too � the most important thing. My Tribe thinks that
> while you are born into a Tribe, you do not have to stay there. Good people
> can join bad Tribes, and bad people can choose good ones. My Tribe thinks
> you *choose* your Tribe. That, more than anything, is what makes my Tribe
> unique.
> *I am so utterly and unabashedly proud of my Tribe*, that my words haunt and
> mock me for their pale weakness and shameful inadequacy.
> Obama scares the hell out of me!  Get him out of the way and I'll live in
> peace with either of the other two.
> Brad
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Bill Effros <bill at effros.com> wrote:
>> Ed,
>> For most of my adult life I have shared the commonly evolving view that
>> skin color should make no difference in selecting others for marriage,
>> jobs, education, or anything else.  (With the possible exception of sun
>> tan lotion testing.)
>> Now, suddenly, liberals are backing a crook simply on the basis of his
>> skin color.
>> It's appalling, but not unexpected.
>> I always stop off in SC in my travels.  Attached please find a recent
>> snapshot.
>> Bill
>> Tootle wrote:
>>> Bill:
>>> Please note that we have a BIG Obama supporter on the list.  He offends
>>> easily.  He was offended by your subject comment that "Obama is a crook".
>>> So are you suggesting that the admendment to the Constitution be changed
>> to
>>> allow your favorite President run for a third term?
>>> Since you expressed an interest in Obama you might want to read these
>>> comments:
>> http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=YThlMWQzNzRmODZkMDE2Yzc3YmI3OWJhZTk3MDg3NWI=
>>> And in your worldly travels you avoided South Carolian.  Hump, some
>> people
>>> on ego trips.
>>> Ed K
>>> Greenville, SC, USA
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