[Rhodes22-list] Politics - Spread Your Wealth, Not Mine

Brad Haslett flybrad at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 06:53:31 EDT 2008

Interesting update -


So illegals can't contribute to federal elections?  Hmmmmm.


On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 9:06 PM, Brad Haslett <flybrad at gmail.com> wrote:
> Isn't this just sweet!  We discussed this last Spring, Mr. Sweetness
> and Light was complaining about his Kenyan grandmother not having
> running water or electricity.  I suggested he drill her a well and buy
> her a generator.  The village named a school after him and he donates
> nothing (I donated $100 to the Senator Obama school).  His
> half-brother lives in a slum in Nigeria and wants to go to auto
> mechanics school.  Help from his brother? Zip, zero, nada.  He writes
> in "Dreams From My Father" about his favorite aunt Zetuni.  Once
> again, the foreign press does what the American MSM won't do.  They
> found The One's "favorite" aunt living in a slum in Boston.  What a
> selfish ass-hat this guy is, and a hypocrite. No money for family but
> $30,000 for "God Damn America" Rev. Wright.
> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article5042571.ece?token=null&offset=0&page=1
> Brad

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