[Rhodes22-list] Hoist one with the guys

Paul Krawitz krawitzmail-rhodes22 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 3 23:36:01 EDT 2008

A recent scan of Rhodes22.org newsgroup posts disclosed the following
alcohol references:

     "hoist one w/the guys"

     "McCain, no doubt, is probably a Bud Man. What do the others imbibe in?"

     "Anyone that's happy has to be a drinker and they will always get my vote."

     "I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink"

     "The beer there is pretty good!"

     "no sense in letting the beer get hot"

     "using the sailor's bar scenario of "da list"

So here are the questions. And one of them, all of them, or none of
them. Try to answer them with non-alcohol humor, if you can...

1. Why are boating and drinking so inextricably linked?
2. Do you drink while you sail? If so, would you enjoy sailing less if
you weren't drinking?
3. Are any of you the parents of minors, and do they drink? If so, are
they ever on your boat without your supervision?
4. Who drinks more frequently on the water, sailors or motor boaters?
5. Do you think there are risks to passengers drinking if the captain
isn't drinking?
6. Do you think there are risks to drinking on a boat if the boat is
not underway?

The most creative and intelligent answer to question 1 gets a
salt-encrusted newbie prize.

Paul K

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