[Rhodes22-list] Miracle's Tohatsu remote

R22RumRunner at aol.com R22RumRunner at aol.com
Fri Sep 5 10:57:02 EDT 2008

I was really hoping that you would tell me it's removable. Unfortunately,  
your mount wouldn't work on my boat, at least not the way I'm accustomed to  
sail. Things happen to fast on Rum Runner and I try to keep the cockpit area as  
free of clutter as I can. Even at that I always find a new way to get banged 
up.  Nice installation, just wouldn't work for me.
In a message dated 9/5/2008 10:39:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
lsr3 at nyu.edu writes:

thanks!   the trap door is actually the 1/2" ply  backing wood b/c my  
laz laminate was all warped around there when I  took possession of  
the boat.
I mounted the L bracket to the wood  and used a 3'x5' piece inside the  
laz as well for support.  Its  rock steady now, if you kick it by  
accident the remote doesn't move  much at all.  Just have to make sure  
my mainsheet doesn't get  fouled in it while tacking!

s/v Miracles

On Sep 5,  2008, at 7:31 AM, R22RumRunner at aol.com wrote:

> Lou,
> That's  a great looking installation. I would assume that the trap  
> door  is
> there so that the remote can be stowed while  sailing?
> Rummy
> In a message dated  9/4/2008 11:04:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> steadilsr at verizon.net  writes:
> A  non-text attachment was scrubbed...
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> -------------- next part  --------------
> Rory
> here's the pic  of  the remote as I did it.   When I'm all loaded up
> with   say 4 people I have to carefully navigate around the
> stick but  otherwise  its easy to avoid,  You can see I made a mistake
>  with the cable  holes which needed to be lower into the laz.
> the  cutoff wire went through  one of the orig holes.  Ply on  both
> sides of the laz to support  the heavy metal remote&  cables.
> 2 L shaped shelf brackets hold the  mounting ply in  contact with the
> floor.
> cockpit floor is   Durabak.
> Lou
> s/v Miracles
> On Sep 4, 2008, at  4:42 PM, R Orkin  wrote:
>> My 9.9 Yamaha  has had a variety of starting  problems. All seem to
>> be  fuel
>> related. I seem to have  it cleaned out to the point it  will start
>> but still
>>  have poor response from the  throttle. Sudden acceleration will
>>  stall it..
>>  slow acceleration is ok and I can get full throttle.. Does   this
>> seem to be a
>> mixture, fuel pump or other  problem  to anyone? perhaps  automatic
>> choke
>>  issue  ??
>> -----
>> Rory  Orkin
>> Tilghman, Md
>> 2000  Recycled  Rhodes  22
>> Duet ll
>> -- 
>> View this message  in  context: http://www.nabble.com/Poor-throttle-
>>   response-tp19319533p19319533.html
>> Sent from the Rhodes 22 mailing  list  archive at Nabble.com.
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