[Rhodes22-list] conjecturing on leakage

Joe Babb joe.babb at comcast.net
Sun Aug 9 10:14:08 EDT 2009

Hi Mike,
I did that prior to our trip to Pamlico Sound at the end of June.  With 
the boat in the water there was NO leakage around the hose.  The boat 
has been on the trailer since before July 4.  The water in the laz 
appeared after we returned home and I parked the boat with the stern 
downhill.  Whether the water is coming from under the cockpit or the 
bilge, I cannot yet be certain.  But I know it wasn't leaked in via the 
hose connection.
This isn't a new problem by the way.  It's just that after a year of 
wondering where the water came from, I've gotten more curious about 
why.  I've been eliminating one thing after another.  It's not just the 
laz.  I was concerned for a while that there was a leak around the 
centerboard seal because of all the water we kept getting in the bilge.  
But then I tracked that to the water tank emptying itself when leaned 
over to starboard.  Fixed that.  There are other small leaks when it 
rains.  There is one right over the main cabin settee where the center 
connection of the handrail bolts on.  But this is minor compared to the 
half gallon I emptied out of the laz over a period of a week or so.  It 
did rain on us heavily a couple of times during our week on Pamlico, so 
if it is leaking somewhere in the cockpit that is a possibility.

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