[Rhodes22-list] Anchor baskets ala Rummy

John Lock jlock at relevantarts.com
Mon Jun 29 10:43:20 EDT 2009

Last year we had this discussion and Rummy posted his rode-keeping  
method of just flaking into a plastic basket and storing under the  
cockpit seats.  I was having trouble lugging my 100-ft of tangled mess  
around the boat and decided to give that a try.  See attached photo.

So far it has worked perfectly for me.  I expanded on Rummy's design  
somewhat by searching for baskets that just fit snugly under the  
cockpit seats.  These are Sterlite baskets from Walmart and they stay  
put under the seats.  I also drilled extra holes in the bottom to aid  
drainage and I made a hole on the rim to clip on the chain end of the  
rode.  This makes it easy to find, clip it on the bow anchor while  
it's in the hangar, and then drop it over the side.  If I'm in really  
deep water I'll fish out the bitter end and cleat it off first.  But  
most times I just let it pay out of the basket by hand until I've got  
enough out then cleat it off.  Retrieval is just as easy - bring in  
the rode and let it flake naturally into the basket.  Hang the anchor  
back up and detach the clip and reclip to the basket rim.  One-handed  
haul back to the cockpit to stow it under the seat.  I suppose if I  
was in rough water I'd deploy from the cockpit, but it's not often an  
issue for lake sailors.

John Lock
s/v Pandion - '79 Rhodes 22
Lake Sinclair, GA

On Jun 28, 2009, at 22:03, cowie wrote:
> anchor mounted to the bow as delivered from the factory and I keep  
> my tangle
> of rode and chain in the lazaret.  I don't mind lugging the mess up  
> to the
> deck and making the necessary attachments.  It's not that often that  
> I am
> deploying the anchor and I prefer not to have the mess and smell up  
> in the
> vberth area.  I also like to keep my 12' of chain separate from the  
> rode
> until it is needed.

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