[Rhodes22-list] Trailer Question

Ellner ellner at pressenter.com
Thu Jun 17 15:41:31 EDT 2010


1987 Triad trailer.  Four inch v block and a 3/8" x 6" bolt. I ran 
another bolt  and a hard plastic tube   through the upper set of holes 
with a hard plastic tube on the bolt to ease the strain on the winch strap.
Rod Ellner

Geankoplis wrote:
> Is anybody out there who could check the bolt length of the of the rubber
> "V" bow stop on their Triad trailer.  I need to know the width of the rubber
> piece.  It is either 3" or 4". (page 730 on West Marine catalogue item #'s
> 417800 or 416703 respectively).  I have a 2003 Triad trailer.  The trailer
> is far away by its lonesome and can't get anyone to measure it for me.
> Thanks!
> Chris Geankoplis
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