[Rhodes22-list] too much fun

The Rhodes 22 Email List rhodes22-list at rhodes22.org
Fri Apr 1 23:25:55 EDT 2016

OK folks: 

     I have become psychotic trying to identify replacement (LCD) bulbs for my boat.  I have BAY15 1157 base LCD bulbs.  They look identical to the bases on the incandescent bulbs I am replacing, but the LCDs will not light.  The two contacts on the old bulbs are round, and the LCD as an oval shape.  Wass da dealio dat? I can't locate any sizing information, and I don't feel like just ordering, returning and reordering to solve my problem.
     Is there some secret?  Is there a Rhodie out there who is a retired 12 V DC bulb savant? Well, I AM retired; I wanted these years to be filled with still moments where the main sounds were the rigging singing at me as I tack, the balanced sucking and then blowing out of sweet smelling cigar smoke of a fine hand rolled stick from Central America or the Dominican Republic and my (even sweeter) wife sitting close by making silent promises with her eyes (et al).  

    All I have is the soft taptaptap of the keyboard as I prepare to make another costly mistake at a giant bulb Wonderama on the web that claims to have "just the bulb (I) need. Odds are that the guys at the Wonderama  are sitting around laughing as they enjoy the same cigars I adore, while they sip some of Ole' Rum Runner's favorite swill. .  Back to my problem.
     If you know the bulb size I need, please end my misery and tell me.  I'll bet Rummy knew.  (I miss ya, Rummy.  We all do.)
Joe Camp
s/v John Dawson
(soon in the) Bohemia River, MD

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