[Rhodes22-list] Turnbuckles

Peter Nyberg peter at sunnybeeches.com
Fri Apr 29 11:19:02 EDT 2016

I’ve got a question about the turnbuckles on my six shrouds.  Most of male or bolt-like pieces have holes in the ends of them, which I assume are intended to receive cotter pins or rings, which would keep the turnbuckle from turning.  But two of the bolts do not have holes in them.  In one case it’s lower bolt, in the other it’s the upper bolt, the one attached to the wire.

I don’t think I could remedy the situation by drilling holes in the bolts without them.  I’m thinking I could thread nuts onto the bolts above or below the body of the turnbuckle, and tighten them against the body to keep it from moving.

Would this be an appropriate solution?

I hope my description of the problem is good enough that a picture isn’t necessary, but I’ll attempt to attach one anyway, mostly as a test to see if it works.


Peter Nyberg
Coventry, CT
s/v Silverheels (88/16)

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