[Rhodes22-list] Survey

Chris Geankoplis chrisgeankoplis at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 10:24:04 EDT 2020

Hey Ric,
          To quote Alex "I have a 2006 Tohatsu 8 HP with electric start.
It’s a 20" shaft, and it’s mounted on a " spring loaded parallelogram type
mount.  This is for Enosis I over in Greece.
 The boat here in the US that I just bought has an amazing 20" 1986 6 hp
Johnson Seahorse that the mechanic said had 20 hours on it and was in
Smithsonian quality.
 It is mounted on a GB electric lift that I hope to get working this week.

Chris Geankoplis
Enosis I
Red Rhodes

On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 8:46 AM Ric Stott <ric at stottarchitecture.com> wrote:

> Dear Rhodes
> How long is your shaft?
> Don’t be offended - it’s nothing too personal.
> I’d like to survey Rhodes owners to learn the most common outboard:
> 1. HP
> 2. Shaft length-  20” or 25”
> 3. Motor mount type
> Ex. GB original/ manual
>         GB original electric
>         GB converted E to M or M to E
>          3rd party parallelogram type
>          Custom.
> Currently I have
> 1.  ‘99 - 8 hp 2 stroke Merc
> 2. 25”
> 3.  Temp. West marine 16” parallelogram type. Original ‘84 rail type with
> Delrin  sliders to be re-commissioned.
> I can’t send pics because I’m a Mac user but would appreciate any
> associated photos with replies.
> I’ll report findings to da list.
> Ric
> Sv Dadventure
> Hampton Bays NY
> Sent from my iPhone

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