[Rhodes22-list] Cushions and Stan

Alexander Cole colealexander at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 22 21:52:20 EDT 2022

I had a stupid attack after a cruise.    The cockpit cushions were scrubbed and placed on my roof rack to dry when I got home.    I unexpectedly needed to disconnect and use my boat hauler the next morning.   Yup, no coffee and now no cushions.    I found one in a ditch.     I’ve even checked all the dumpsters on my route. 
I know Stan is unreachable durning Annapolis and am unsure if he’s doing much anyway.    If anybody talks to him, can he sell me a new set?   They are very nice for full days without autopilot, and to hide my iPad navigation from the heat of the sun.   
If not, does anybody have ideas for ordering custom?    I lack the stern one for a template.  

Thanks, Alex

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