[Rhodes22-list] Updated Rhodes 22 Owner's Manual

stan stan at generalboats.com
Sat Sep 24 18:11:24 EDT 2022

Thanks Peter,

  I knew Mike was a tech genius just from our emails but my having gone 
to HS with the likes of Arthur Miller, Joseph Heller, Mel Brooks and 
others in that class, never had me thinking of myself as a well written 
writer.  You made my day thinking you thought the Rhodes manual well 
written.  If that were so I would have to credit inheriting any such 
skill from my daughter Cindy who is the pro in the family having written 
best seller Aftershock, Americas Bubble Economy, Fake Money/Real Danger 
and others.  Now you got me thinking; maybe I should bring out the R-27, 
long since designed but never put in production, give it away free and 
publish its manual with a 1K  cover charge.  (OK, maybe I should just 
stay with classmate Brooks as my role model.)


On 9/23/22 3:49 PM, Peter Nyberg wrote:
> There's been a 2006 version of the Rhodes 22 owners manual in website document library, probably since around 2006.  It was a PDF with images of the manual's pages rather than the actual document text.
> Our own Michael McKay saw there was room for improvement, so he took it upon himself to put the page images through some OCR software to convert the images to text.  He put the text into a Word document, and then turned the Word document into a PDF.
> There are two primary advantages to the new format.  1) It is much smaller, so it will load in your browser more quickly.  2) It is searchable.
> You can find a link to the new Owner's Manual here:http://www.rhodes22.org/doc-lib.html
> I taking a look at the new Owner's Manual,/I realized that I'd forgotten how well written and informative it is. 
> I plan to find time to read it again this winter. /
> So, thanks to Mike McKay for making to changes to the document, and to Mike Weisner for making the changes to the website.  I had no hand in the process except for writing this post.
> --Peter
> .

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