[Rhodes22-list] Corporate cup shirt

Mark Kaynor mark@kaynor.org
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 08:01:17 -0400


Your attachment didn't come through - I don't think .pdf is on the
"acceptable attachment" list. Feel free to send it directly to me and I'll
convert it for you.

Mark Kaynor

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Schultz" <BenS@ApproSystems.com>
To: "Rhodes List (E-mail)" <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:24 AM
Subject: [Rhodes22-list] Corporate cup shirt

> <<corporate_cup_tee.pdf>>
> The corporate cup is a 5K run in Baton Rouge, where people form teams and
> represent their employer.  This was my company's corporate cup shirt
> until someone with some sense looked at it.  Zoom out for best effect.  I
> swear that this isn't a joke.  Someone really thought this design would
> work.
> I hope this attachment makes it through to the list.  I laughed myself
> hoarse.
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