[Rhodes22-list] Sailing To The Bahamas In The Hurricane Season

Roger Pihlaja rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 16:29:52 -0400


"Roger forgot to mention that you should not even think about this in the
hurricane season!!"

You know, I don't like blanket statements like that.  If one goes by that
warning, then about 1/3 of the year is off limits.  People are busy these
days.  I say a good time to go sailing is when you have the time to get
away.  I myself have been sailing twice in the Caribbean in August & had
wonderful weather both times.

Sailing your Rhodes 22 from Florida to the Bahama Islands is not for
beginners.  If someone has the sailing & navigational skills to actually be
seriously contemplating this trip, then they don't need to be lectured about

Hurricanes don't simply appear at your location out of nowhere.  These days,
assuming you were paying attention to the radio, you would have a week to 10
days notice.  That's plenty of time to get out of the way, even if you were
in the Bahama Islands.

For example, this past August was a very slow time for hurricanes & tropical
storms in the Caribbean.  Weather conditions were such that, not only were
there no tropical storms, there weren't even any possibilities coming off
the west coast of Africa where such storms usually develop.  That's the key.
You would want stable weather conditions to make this trip.  On the other
hand, if there was a developing tropical storm just off Grand Caicos Island
drifting slowly to the northwest, then only a fool would take his Rhodes 22
out into the northern Bahama Islands.

Roger Pihlaja
S/V Dynamic Equilibrium

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christine Allison" <sailnut@asan.com>
To: <rhodes22-list@rhodes22.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Rhodes22-list] Bahamas

> <I stand by my pretrip preparation advice from 2 years ago.
> If I were going to make this trip in my Rhodes 22; then, I would depart
> the Lake Worth Inlet at Palm Beach, FL & enter the Bahamas at the West End
> Port of Entry on Grand Bahama Island. >
> Roger forgot to mention that you should not even think about this in the
> hurricane season!!
> Richard Smith
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