[Rhodes22-list] Opening Forwad Port Gsskets

Art Shriver adshriv at verizon.net
Fri Jun 4 16:35:35 EDT 2004

I am in the process of rebedding my forward opening ports in my 1976 
Rhodes Continental (22).   I was amazed to find that there is no 
supporting material between the inner liner and the outer deck/cabintop 
... just a 1 inch empty space.  Thus the ports are held in place by 3/4 
inch stainless pan heads screwed into a very thin inner liner!!  I've 
made wooden frames for the area.

I would like to replace the gaskets.  Neither Beckson or Gray Pompanette 
(Bomar) seem to have the proper material.  I can't make out the port 
manufacturer but they were located in Wilmington Ca.  Beckson says they 
are long out of business.

I've a call into to GB.   Can't find anything  in the archives. 
 Replacement ports list for about $122. each plus shipping (perhaps a 
bet less at WM, etc.)  I'd rather replace the gaskets.

Can anyone help with a source.  WEFCO suggested that I FAX a cross 
section of the gasket to them and they might be able to come up with 
something ... but that may get expensive if setup, etc. is involved.

Does anyone else want to replace their gaskets if I'm able to find a source?

Art Shriver,  Teetotum, a '76

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